
Balkan Green Energy News

Macedonian banks to finance energy efficiency home improvement

Macedonia’s banks to finance energy efficiency improvement in housing sector

28 December 2017 - Ohridska banka AD Skopje and Sparkasse Bank Makedonija will support investments in green technology and...

First charger for electric vehicles (EV) has been introduced in Novi Sad

First charger for electric vehicles in Novi Sad introduced

28 December 2017 - The very first charger for electric vehicles (EV) has been introduced in Novi Sad. Charging...

Hungary interested in investing in energy sector of Montenegro

Hungary interested in investing in energy capacities of Montenegro

27 December 2017 - Hungarian companies are interested in investing in Montenegro’s energy sector, said Peter Szijjarto, Hungarian Minister...


Bulgaria’s electric vehicle charging network to be extended

27 December 2017 - Electric mobility in Bulgaria is gaining momentum. Swiss power and automation company ABB recently announced...

New EUR 45 million loan for energy efficiency in Romania’s residential sector

New EUR 45 million loan for energy efficiency in Romania’s residential sector

26 December 2017 - Romanian households owners will be provided with additional EUR 45 million to invest in energy...

Turkey started construction of its first solar panel plant

Turkey started construction of its first solar module plant

26 December 2017 - Turkey has marked the end of this year by laying the groundwork for the Renewable...

Construction of Trans-Balkan Corridor’s section to start in 2018.

Construction of Trans-Balkan Corridor’s section to start in 2018.

26 December 2017 - Serbia has been given a grant of EUR 6.6 million by the German development bank...

Possibilities and effects of using waste materials as energy in cement industry

Possibilities and effects of using waste materials as energy in cement industry

25 December 2017 - Author: Prof. Dr Aleksandar Jovović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Waste is first...

GIZ ORF-EE to Focus on Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Urban Mobility in SEE

GIZ ORF-EE to Focus on Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Urban Mobility in SEE

23 December 2017 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE), active since 2008...

Serbian section of Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor put into operation

Serbian section of Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor put into operation

22 December 2017 - The Power system operator Elektromreža Srbije (EMS) put into operation the 68 km long Serbian...

First-South-East-Europe-Parliamentary-Forum-in-Vienna- GIZ-ORF EE

GIZ ORF-EE holds First South-East Europe Parliamentary Forum in Vienna

22 December 2017 - The 1st South-East Europe Parliamentary Forum was organized within the GIZ ORF-EE project Regional Cooperation...

GGE responsible for two energy efficiency projects in Bulgaria

GGE responsible for two energy efficiency projects in Bulgaria

21 December 2017 - The leading regional energy services provider, Slovenia’s GGE has been responsible for two projects in...

Macedonia to publish tender for construction of wastewater treatment plant in Bitola

21 December 2017 - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s Ministry of Finance intends to publish tenders for construction of...

European-financed small hydropower plants damaging pristine Balkan

Study: European-financed small hydropower plants damaging pristine Balkan

20 December 2017 - Eight hydropower projects in Albania, Croatia and Macedonia financed with European public money have damaged...

Aklease, first Turkish leasing company to join TurSEFF

Aklease – first leasing company to join Turkey efficiency program TurSEFF

20 December 2017 - One of the leading leasing companies in the sector of renewable energy, Turkish Aklease, has...

WISE SEE - first research, women and sustainable energy

Women in Sustainable Energy SEE – join first survey in Serbia on women’s role in sustainable energy

20 December 2017 - Who are the women who are professionally engaged in sustainable energy, climate change, and environmental...

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