
Balkan Green Energy News

District heating as the future of urban heating in Europe – Novi Sad Heating Plant leads by example

12 March 2019 - Author: Dušan Macura, head of heat production and distribution at Novi Sad Heating Plant (Novosadska...

Adidas to boost recycled plastics shoes output in 2019 to help tackle ocean pollution

08 March 2019 - Sporting goods giant Adidas is stepping up its contribution to the global combat against the...

Vattenfall wind chief appointed WindEurope’s new chair

07 March 2019 - WindEurope’s Board of Directors has elected Gunnar Groebler – Senior Vice President, Business Area Wind...

BiH, North Macedonia most polluted countries in Europe – report

06 March 2019 - People in the Western Balkans breathe the most polluted air in Europe, with as many...

Kick-off meeting held for Croatia-Serbia-Bulgaria market coupling project

05 March 2019 - The kick-off meeting for the initiation of a trilateral power market coupling project between Croatia,...

Pumped-storage plant Čapljina to deliver half of 2019 output to ERS

01 March 2019 - Pumped-storage hydropower plant PHE Čapljina will deliver half of its output in 2019 to Elektroprivreda...

European Water Association looking for webinar speakers

01 March 2019 - The European Water Association (EWA) is launching a series of webinars and looking for webinar...

Top 3 in February – environmental impact of renewables, polluting coal plants, air pollution

01 March 2019 - In February, our readers in English decided our most interesting read was an interview with...

MVP Plus Kick-off Work-shop in Podgorica

28 February 2019 - The GIZ ORF-EE held its MVP Plus Kick-off Work-shop in Podgorica, Montenegro from 26 to...

Siemens, EPBiH sign contracts worth EUR 69 million for Podveležje wind farm

28 February 2019 - State power utility Elektroprivreda BiH (EPBiH) and a consortium led by Croatia-based Siemens Gamesa have...

GGF extends EUR 1 million to LIDER to on-lend for energy efficiency, small renewable energy equipment

27 February 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF), an impact investment fund advised by Finance in Motion,...

Future of renewables in Croatia

26 February 2019 - Authors: Marija Mušec, Partner and Mia Kanceljak, Attorney-at-Law, at Law Firm Bardek, Lisac, Mušec, Skoko...

Local authorities in SEE invited to apply to host workshop on financing options for greener cities

25 February 2019 - ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, in cooperation with the EKLIPSE project and NATURVATION project,...

GGF extends EUR 10 million to Ohridska to on-lend for renewable energy, energy efficiency projects

21 February 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has announced its second senior facility of EUR 10...

Republika Srpska grants 50-year concession for 49.5 MW Grebak wind farm

19 February 2019 - The government of Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), has granted Nevesinje-based...

Call for energy solutions (PoWER Project): March 4 set as submission deadline

19 February 2019 - Within the project PoWER (Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm), a call for solutions...

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