continental europe breakdown resynchronization

How BiH, Croatia, Serbia TSOs reconnected two grid regions of Continental Europe synchronous area

02 March 2021 - The Continental Europe synchronous area broke down and split into two grid regions in January.

IPTO_interconnection_power transmission line

IPTO to invest EUR 4.1 billion in new interconnections, renewables integration, batteries

15 January 2021 - Greece’s independent transmission system operator, IPTO, plans to invest EUR 4.1 billion over the next...

Greece privatization energy mining companies

Greece to move forward with privatization of energy, mining companies

17 September 2020 - Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece Kostis Hatzidakis announced plans for a quick sale...

ipto manousakis interview

Regional Security Coordinator for SEE to step up European integration in synchronous zone

26 February 2020 - The establishment of the Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) for Southeast Europe (SEE) is an important...

IPTO, ESO, Transelectrica agree on Thessaloniki as seat of new SEE Regional Security Coordinator

18 November 2019 - IPTO, ESO and Transelectrica have agreed on establishing a new Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) for...

Minos CSP Crete

China wants in on Crete power link, joins Minos solar project

14 November 2019 - China’s president Xi Jinping left Greece with 16 bilateral deals, after an official three-day visit,...

EUR 1 billion Crete-Attica interconnection draws bids from major cable construction players

07 August 2019 - Major companies in the cable construction sector have filed binding bids for lots of a...


ESO, IPTO, Transelectrica sign MoU on establishing Regional Coordination Center

22 July 2019 - Power transmission system operators (TSOs) ESO (Bulgaria), IPTO (Greece), and Transelectrica (Romania) have signed a...

Greece secures EUR 178 million for first power link between Crete and mainland

15 May 2019 - Greece has secured a EUR 178 million long-term loan to finance the construction of the...

SEE CAO appoints Ivan Bulatović as new executive director

13 May 2019 - Coordination Auction Office in South East Europe (SEE CAO) has appointed Ivan Bulatović as the...

Three new signatories join WB6 initiative for energy market integration

15 March 2017 - Three new signatories have joined the Western Balkan Six (WB6) regional electricity market integration initiative,...

Evia wind farm investors given extension to pay for cable connection

22 December 2016 - Investors in the wind energy parks on Evia island are given two-month extension to start paying...

Terna eyes value of Admie’s submarine cable project

11 September 2016 - Terna Group, one of three investors interested in acquiring a stake in Independent Power Transmission...

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