EU project expected to mobilize EUR 1.4 billion to tackle polluting household heating in Bulgaria

20 February 2019 - The European Commission has approved a EUR 16.7 million project to improve air quality in...

Fines for sale of low-quality solid fuels for households come into effect

11 January 2019 - Bulgaria has introduced fines for the sale of low-quality solid fuels for household heating. The...

First ton of waste cooking oil collected from households in Croatia

First ton of waste cooking oil collected from households in Croatia

20 April 2018 - The first ton of waste cooking oil from households has been collected in Croatia and...

New EUR 45 million loan for energy efficiency in Romania’s residential sector

New EUR 45 million loan for energy efficiency in Romania’s residential sector

26 December 2017 - Romanian households owners will be provided with additional EUR 45 million to invest in energy...

Macedonian Draft Law on Energy to introduce liberalization of power market in 2019

22 December 2017 - Macedonia’s Draft Law on Energy envisages the liberalization of the electricity market from 2019, allowing...

Households electricity prices in Serbia to remain below market prices for a long period

19 December 2017 - Electricity prices for households are far below what market prices should be in Serbia, an...

EU gives Cyprus more time to close down landfills

20 October 2017 - Once again Cyprus is given additional time to close down the illegal landfills in Vati...

First Greek “smart” battery for households in February 2018

20 October 2017 - An attractively designed working model of the first Greek-designed lithium ion “smart” battery for households...

EBRD provides EUR 2 million loan for energy efficiency measures in Kosovo*

06 October 2017 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided EUR 2 million loan for...

energy efficiency

Serbians want to raise energy efficiency levels but reality is different

29 July 2017 - Most people in Serbia believe they can make their homes more energy efficient but in...

Romania’s Banca Transilvania first to provide loans for household energy efficiency

28 June 2017 - The Banca Transilvania has become the first bank in Romania to provide loans to households...
