
Province of Vojvodina encourages public institutions to switch to biomass for heating

13 July 2017 - The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has published a call for co-financing of biomass heating projects...

Serbia receives funding to start using biomass in its district heating plants

21 June 2017 - Serbia will receive funds from the German development bank KfW and the Swiss government to...

Additional European Commission funding approved for Croatian geothermal plant

19 June 2017 - The European Commission decided that Croatia’s first geothermal power plant can apply for additional funding...

Chinese company to build heating pipeline in Belgrade

08 June 2017 - A memorandum of understanding on the construction of a heating pipeline from a power plant...

Swiss Government supporting Serbian local governments in energy efficiency makeover

29 March 2017 - Swiss government signed with the Ministry of energy and mining and four local governments a...

Serbia’s first public-private partnership for heat energy supply

23 March 2017 - First public-private partnership (PPP) contract in Serbia for the supply of heat energy for public...

City of Pirot will soon meet all EU environmental standards

22 March 2017 - Vladan Vasić, Mayor of Pirot, told Balkan Green Energy News the local authority is preparing,...


Switching to biomass could save to Valjevo heating plant up to EUR 1.4 million

11 March 2017 - Valjevo Heating Plant is planning to switch to biomass, which would cost EUR 4-5 million....

Banjaluka plans construction of wood-biomass heating plant – City Assembly to discuss public call for strategic partner

10 March 2017 - Banjaluka City Assembly will discuss on March 15 the public call for a strategic partner...

Environmental protection and sustainable development in the focus of CEDEF event in Novi Sad

04 March 2017 - Recent announcements that Serbia may soon open Chapter 27 of the acquis have greatly influenced...

Government of Cyprus to establish renewable energy agency

22 February 2017 - The government of Cyprus is planning to establish the renewable energy agency that will draft...

Montenegro to invest EUR 4.5 million in energy efficiency measures

13 February 2017 - The Government of Montenegro is investing more than EUR 4.5 million in energy efficiency measures...

New round of EIB loans for improving energy efficiency in Bucharest

22 December 2016 - Two projects for refurbishing the multi-family residential buildings in the Romanian capital of Bucharest received...

Vojvodina public institutions most interested in efficient lighting, least in biomass

19 December 2016 - The Provincial Secretariat for energy, construction and transport will support 27 projects in the field...

Serbia’s Priboj starts using biomass for public heating

10 November 2016 - Municipality of Priboj in south-western Serbia has made an important step towards sustainable economy, as...

Airbus uses biomass for heating

27 October 2016 - The French aircraft manufacturer Airbus uses woodchips to heat its production facilities after Polytechnik company...

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