25 July 2016 - A new bank in Kosovo has joined the energy efficiency financing programme of the European...
22 July 2016 - Rolf Wenzel, governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), signed a EUR 32...
19 July 2016 - The project of energy efficiency by using cogeneration from biomass is worth about EUR 150...
08 July 2016 - The proposal for an energy upgrade of the Presidential Palace in Nicosia is advancing on...
08 July 2016 - The third energy efficiency action plan (EEAP), for 2016-2018, was prepared by the Ministry of...
04 July 2016 - A senior loan of EUR 2 million to boost the emerging segment of energy efficiency...
01 July 2016 - Mayor of Pančevo Saša Pavlov and director of JP Energetika Ljubljana d.o.o. Samo Lozej discussed...
30 June 2016 - The Municipality of Žabalj awarded a public–private partnership (PPP) for the reconstruction of the street...
29 June 2016 - Project summary The Municipality of Pokupsko is located in North-Western part of Croatia near the...
29 June 2016 - Political will is the first of necessary requirements to reach the maximum use of domestic...
23 June 2016 - A third senior loan was approved for Turkey’s Yapı Kredi Leasing by the Green for...
22 June 2016 - The Dutch city of Nijmegen, chosen to be the 2018 European Green Capital Award, and...
19 June 2016 - The Capital Municipality invested BGN 20 million (EUR 10.2 million) for the construction and energy...
01 June 2016 - Blerand Stavileci, minister of economic development, visited South Korea, holding meetings with officials and representatives...
31 May 2016 - A new analysis about further development of the Bulgarian renovation programme for multi-family buildings has...
27 May 2016 - The World Bank is ready to support Bosnia Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) with further investments...