
Climate change action is efficient only if taken by all

25 November 2015 - The Embassy of France in Serbia has been active in raising awareness about climate change,...


Action plan for Belgrade won’t remain on paper

19 November 2015 - Citizens will be informed every year on the implementation of measures from the Assessment of...

Serbia’s first wind park launched at Kula

12 November 2015 - MK-Fintel Wind a. d. officially opened its 9.9 MW wind power plant in the country’s...

Serbian, French companies promote low-carbon economy

05 November 2015 - To develop green economy means to adjust our energy production, adjust our settlements, our vehicles,...

Two mini hydro projects in southeast Serbia need no impact assessment

04 November 2015 - The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Serbia said there is no need for...

Energy City Project Serbia SECO

Energy Cities Project Serbia

28 October 2015 - Donor: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)  Country of implementation: Serbia Program Manager: Priska...

Pirot upgrades energy efficiency assisted by GIZ

26 October 2015 - First step towards the improvement of energy efficiency is the analysis of the residential buildings...


Belgrade adopts plan for adaptation to climate change

23 October 2015 - The assembly of Serbia’s capital city approved the Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change and...

Kostolac wind power

Study underway for Kostolac wind power plant

16 October 2015 - National power producer EPS published an invitation on October 12 for offers for a feasibility...

Eleven offers for Belgrade landfill PPP

15 October 2015 - Offers for the selection of an operator for the Vinča landfill as part of a...

Serbia’s climate talks – on the way to Paris

06 October 2015 - The conference ‘Dialogue on Climate Change in Serbia: Climate-smart Partnerships Ahead of Paris COP21’ was...

Robotics and green power help small-scale farming

24 September 2015 - Robotics Laboratory of the the Mihajlo Pupin Institute and the the Institute of Agricultural Economics...

MobiSun – pro Energy: the mobile robotic solar electric generator

24 September 2015 - What is MobiSun – pro Energy? MobiSun – pro Energy is a mobile two-axis robotic...


Green power projects to add expenses for households

15 September 2015 - If electricity generated by wind and solar facilities was cheaper than from thermal power plants,...

solar Kostolac

Paperwork sought for extention of planned solar park in Kostolac

07 September 2015 - Serbian state-owned energy utility EPS has invited bids for the preparation of the investment and...

Yugoslav energy projects need dust wiped off

02 September 2015 - “Lack of good energy policy leaves us under threat of poverty and unemployment, and health...

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