24 January 2018 - Two revitalized units of hydroelectric power plant (HPP) Zvornik have been officially put into operation,...
24 January 2018 - At their first-ever trilateral meeting, leaders of Cyprus, the host of the summit, Greece and...
22 January 2018 - The Ministry of Economy of Montenegro did not foresee issuing energy permits in 2018. The...
22 January 2018 - The UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina seeks a consultant for development of Study on renewable energy...
22 January 2018 - Serbia and France want to deepen their cooperation in the realization of various projects in...
19 January 2018 - Montenegro-based oil company Jugopetrol will try to expand its energy portfolio and to assess the...
19 January 2018 - Elicio, the Belgian renewable energy producer has announced its plan to complete the installation of 21 turbines...
19 January 2018 - PPC Renewables (PPCR), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greek largest electricity production and supply company –...
18 January 2018 - PPC Renewables, a wholly-owned green energy subsidiary of Public Power Corporation, the main power utility...
18 January 2018 - DEG – German development finance institution and a subsidiary of KfW Group has acquired a...
16 January 2018 - Janez Kopač, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, speaks in an interview for the Balkan...
15 January 2018 - Masdar, Abu Dhabi-based renewable energy company has signed a share purchase agreement with Akuo Energy,...
12 January 2018 - The Slovenian Energy Agency has selected 93 projects with an installed capacity of 98 MW, which...
11 January 2018 - The European Bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) and the Albanian Ministry of Energy and...
09 January 2018 - The power utility Elektroprivreda Bosne i Hercegovine (EPBiH) is planning to start the construction of...
09 January 2018 - The implementation of the third phase of the Energy Wood project, which started in October...