
Sustainable Energy Roadmap for Associations of Municipalities in South-East European Countries

25 February 2016 - By Dubravka Bošnjak, GIZ Project Manager and Vesna Kolega, Energy Advisor E-mail: bos.dubravka@gmail.com and vesna.kolega@gmail.com Energy...

Understanding energy efficiency investments – a global perspective

25 February 2016 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna esa.rugova@burgcapital.com This article is part of a series...

Is leasing of wind turbines feasible in Serbia?

28 January 2016 - By Đorđe Popović, Senior Attorney and Marija Marošan, Attorney-at-Law, Petrikić & Partneri AOD in cooperation...

New Energy Balance methodology – Enhancing Macedonia energy reporting capabilities

23 December 2015 - By Tatjana Mitevska, M&E, Public Outreach and Gender Specialist,  USAD CEI Project and Marija Ignatova...

The big green challenge: can we change fast enough?

23 December 2015 - By Maja Turković, Energy Consultant, co-author of the CIRSD study ’A Roadmap for Deploying Renewable...

Green jobs potential in Macedonia

23 December 2015 - This article has been developed as per the assessment of the climate change mitigation potential...

Green energy boost comes with policy improvement

23 December 2015 - By Katarina Uherova Hasbani, Energy Policy and Business Development Consultant, EIR Global and the lead...

UNDP publishes country snapshots on climate change

23 December 2015 - By Christoph S. Henrich, Sustainable Energy Consultant, Istanbul Regional Hub, United Nations Development Programme in Europe and...

Energy efficiency projects finally start in Serbia

25 November 2015 - By Djordje Popović, Senior Attorney, Petrikić & Partneri AOD in cooperation with CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz...

What’s happening to wood pellets in Western Balkans?

25 November 2015 - By Vojislav Milijić, CEO of Foragrobio CC d. o. o. / president of Serbian National...

Is Energy Community really walking the green path?

25 November 2015 - By Gabriela Cretu, Electricity Expert, Energy Community Secretariat, Vienna In convergence with the European policy...

One thousand projects are just the start

26 October 2015 - By Josué Tanaka,  the EBRD’s managing director for Operational Strategy and Planning, Energy Efficiency and...

Agricultural biomass in the Western Balkans

27 August 2015 - Authors are members of Serbian National Association SERBIO: Vojislav Milijić, president, Tomislav Micović, vice-president and...

Earth’s energy imbalance and climate change

29 July 2015 - By Vladimir Đurđević, Institute of Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, vdj@ff.bg.ac.rs Planet Earth is...

An overview of the Turkish photovoltaic market

25 June 2015 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna esa.rugova@burgcapital.com Driven by steady economic growth, the Turkish...

Public–private partnership as instrument for ESCO projects in Serbia

28 May 2015 - By Aleksandar Durković, Consultant, Duralex d.o.o. Beograd dur@eunet.rs Currently, the highest public interest of Serbia...

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