
An overview of the Turkish photovoltaic market

25 June 2015 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna esa.rugova@burgcapital.com Driven by steady economic growth, the Turkish...

Public–private partnership as instrument for ESCO projects in Serbia

28 May 2015 - By Aleksandar Durković, Consultant, Duralex d.o.o. Beograd dur@eunet.rs Currently, the highest public interest of Serbia...

Macedonia improves legal framework on energy audits

28 May 2015 - By Darko Janevski, RE Specialist, Clean Energy Investment Project, djanevski@winrock.org In order to meet the...

Challenges to financing renewable energy projects in the Balkans

29 April 2015 - By Qendresa Rugova, Burg Capital GmBH, Vienna esa.rugova@burgcapital.com Global investment in renewable power has seen...

Biomass in the Western Balkans: Why don’t we use our wood biomass potentials?

29 April 2015 - By Vojislav Milijić, CEO of Foragrobio CC d. o. o. / president of Serbian National...

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