
Vladimir Spasić

Energy Community issues guidance on preparation of National Energy and Climate Plans

22 June 2018 - Integrated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) should cover the period from 2021 to 2030,...

Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria have no plans for introducing tenders for renewables - CEER

Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria have no plans for introducing tenders for renewables – CEER

22 June 2018 - Eleven European countries, including Slovenia, Romania, and Bulgaria, have no concrete plans for introducing tenders...

Energy ministry to consider easing imports of new, electric vehicles

21 June 2018 - Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mirko Šarović has met...

EuroAsia Interconnector secures land permit for HVDC converter station

21 June 2018 - The Republic of Cyprus has issued a notice for the expropriation of land for the...

EU agrees on new energy efficiency target for 2030

21 June 2018 - The European Union has reached a deal on a new 32.5% energy efficiency target for...

Croatian, European day-ahead markets linked

20 June 2018 - Croatian Power Exchange (CROPEX) and Croatian transmission system operator (HOPS) together with Slovenian power exchange...

EEX, BSP Southpool to launch Slovenian power futures

19 June 2018 - The European Energy Exchange (EEX) will list Slovenian cash-settled, Euro-denominated futures contracts on its pan-European...

Energy minister announces new draft law on renewables

19 June 2018 - Minister of Environmental Protection and Energy Tomislav Ćorić has announced a new draft law on...

Energy Community finds distortions of state aid rules regarding Kosova e Re power plant

18 June 2018 - The Energy Community Secretariat believes that several elements of the power purchase agreement signed between...

EU reaches agreement on binding 32% target for renewables

18 June 2018 - A binding EU target of 32% of final energy consumption from renewables by 2030 with...

EU ETS implications for Serbia - price of electricity made from coal is going up

EU ETS implications for Serbia – price of electricity made from coal to go up

12 June 2018 - Carbon pricing – forcing electrical generators to pay for the right to emit carbon –...

Winners of EU Sustainable Energy Awards 2018 revealed

08 June 2018 - The winners of the EU Sustainable Energy Awards 2018 were announced at an Awards Ceremony...

Western Balkans to experience temperature increase of 4C by end of century - study

Western Balkans to experience temperature increase of 4C by end of century – study

08 June 2018 - Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has published a Study on Climate Change in the Western Balkans,...

Number of electric vehicles in Croatia to rise by 64% this year

07 June 2018 - As a result of the incentives granted by the Croatian Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency...


11th SE Europe Energy Dialogue to be held in Thessaloniki on June 26-27

07 June 2018 - The 11th edition of the SE Europe Energy Dialogue (SEEED), organized by Institute of Energy...

Wind farm quota not to be raised, investors to be selected in tenders – PM

06 June 2018 - Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić has said that feed-in quotas for electricity produced by wind...

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