15 June 2020 - More than forty environmentalist organizations participated at the demonstration in front of the building of...
22 May 2020 - A study by UNECE on linkages between renewable energy and nature and food production was...
14 May 2020 - Widespread concerns and criticism over the impact of hydropower on nature and the quality of...
08 May 2020 - Vienna is the greenest among the 50 most visited cities on the planet, according to...
21 March 2020 - The World Water Day and the start of the third year of the Water Action...
10 March 2020 - Krüger and Veolia were picked to improve biogas output and energy efficiency in the processing...
14 January 2020 - The European Commission has approved an investment of EUR 128 million from the cohesion fund...
10 July 2019 - Author: Igor Vejnović, Hydropower Coordinator, CEE Bankwatch Network Eight civil society organisations last week submitted...
02 July 2019 - Environmental activists and civil society organizations (CSOs) from across the Balkans are organizing protests under...
06 June 2019 - Just ahead of summer vacations, the European Commission has released a report on the quality...
22 March 2019 - Of 7.2 billion people in the world, 2.1 billion live without safe water at home,...
01 March 2019 - The European Water Association (EWA) is launching a series of webinars and looking for webinar...
27 December 2018 - The privatization of drinking water sources in Serbia – and the region – has proceeded...
27 July 2018 - The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) has secured a EUR 7 million revolving...
29 June 2018 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia have agreed to jointly investigate options for formalizing river...
17 May 2018 - The Neretva and Trebišnjica river basins are of critical economic significance for three economies and...