
Environmentalist protest small hydropower, pollution in Serbia

Environmentalist groups unite to protest small hydropower, pollution in Serbia

15 June 2020 - More than forty environmentalist organizations participated at the demonstration in front of the building of...


UNECE launches study, tool-kit for for sustainable renewable energy investments and deployment

22 May 2020 - A study by UNECE on linkages between renewable energy and nature and food production was...

Public consultation policy small hydropower Energy Community

Public consultation starts for policy on small hydropower in Energy Community

14 May 2020 - Widespread concerns and criticism over the impact of hydropower on nature and the quality of...

Vienna greenest cities world

Vienna ranked first among greenest cities in the world

08 May 2020 - Vienna is the greenest among the 50 most visited cities on the planet, according to...


Water is crucial in fight against coronavirus, UN says as it marks World Water Day

21 March 2020 - The World Water Day and the start of the third year of the Water Action...

Ljubljana sewage system adding Exelys wastewater sludge treatment

Ljubljana sewage system adding Exelys wastewater sludge treatment

10 March 2020 - Krüger and Veolia were picked to improve biogas output and energy efficiency in the processing...


EU approves EUR 128 million for water infrastructure in Croatia

14 January 2020 - The European Commission has approved an investment of EUR 128 million from the cohesion fund...

civil society renewables support Serbia

Let the sunshine in, say civil society groups

10 July 2019 - Author: Igor Vejnović, Hydropower Coordinator, CEE Bankwatch Network Eight civil society organisations last week submitted...

Protests against hydropower in the Balkans in July

Protests against hydropower planned across Balkans from July 6-16

02 July 2019 - Environmental activists and civil society organizations (CSOs) from across the Balkans are organizing protests under...

Countries with Europe’s best quality bathing water revealed

06 June 2019 - Just ahead of summer vacations, the European Commission has released a report on the quality...

World Water Day: From coffee to coal, many products have alternatives – water does not

22 March 2019 - Of 7.2 billion people in the world, 2.1 billion live without safe water at home,...

European Water Association looking for webinar speakers

01 March 2019 - The European Water Association (EWA) is launching a series of webinars and looking for webinar...

HPP Čebren

Water is and should remain a public good – citizens’ initiatives

27 December 2018 - The privatization of drinking water sources in Serbia – and the region – has proceeded...

BSTDB initiates first energy efficiency facility in Romania

27 July 2018 - The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) has secured a EUR 7 million revolving...

River flow regulation, sedimentation, renewable energy investment core of new project in the Drina River Basin

29 June 2018 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia have agreed to jointly investigate options for formalizing river...

Study looks into Neretva, Trebišnjica river basins’ regional economic impact

17 May 2018 - The Neretva and Trebišnjica river basins are of critical economic significance for three economies and...

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