waste management

Belgrade to “do its part” to enable launch of works under Vinča landfill project by next spring

29 May 2018 - The City of Belgrade will “do its part” within legal deadlines to enable launching construction...

Tender for regional waste landfills in Macedonia soon

28 February 2018 - Officials from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of Macedonia announced the start...

Romania opts for state aid for recycling industry

Romania opts for state aid for recycling industry

27 February 2018 - The Romanian Environment Ministry has included in its 2018 budget an amount intended to support...

Republika Srpska adopts new law on waste management

Republika Srpska adopts new law on waste management

21 February 2018 - The Republika Srpska parliament adopted a law on amendments to the law on waste management....

CLIM@, competition for sustainable future - Call for application

CLIM@ competition for sustainable future – Call for applications

19 February 2018 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has launched clim@, a new competition for innovative businesses...

Romania eyeing security payment for recyclable packaging materials

Romania eyeing security payment for recyclable packaging materials

14 February 2018 - Romania could introduce a RON 2 (EUR 0.43) security payment for products packaged in recyclable...

Municipal waste management in Croatia – race against time

07 February 2018 - Even though the implementation of the Decree on the management of municipal waste was to...

EU supports two new recycling yards in Nuštar and Kneževi Vinogradi, Croatia

Construction of two new recycling yards in Croatia announced

24 January 2018 - Croatian municipalities Nuštar, in Vukovar-Srem County, and Kneževi Vinogradi, in Osijek-Baranja county, have received the...

Croatia has allocated more money for recycling yards construction

Croatia has allocated more money for recycling yards construction

11 December 2017 - Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy announced additional EUR 9.25 million for the construction...

Belgrade to introduce new waste treatment tax for Vinča PPP project

06 December 2017 - The City of Belgrade payments to a special purpose vehicle (SPV) established by a consortium...

Tender for construction of waste-treatment plant near City of Šibenik

05 December 2017 - The city-owned company Bikarac published a tender for the design and construction of the waste-treatment...

Two projects for effective waste management

Serbia has launched two new projects for efficient waste management

01 December 2017 - Serbia could recycle a third of its annual 2.4 million tons of municipal solid waste...

Waste separation in Croatia

Waste separation is becoming mandatory in Croatia

03 November 2017 - In Croatia, separate collection of waste will be mandatory in the future. The Decree on...

DOOR, waste management

Croatia should start using EUR 475 million for waste management

24 October 2017 - Croatia should start using the money at its disposal for waste management efforts as soon...

EU gives Cyprus more time to close down landfills

20 October 2017 - Once again Cyprus is given additional time to close down the illegal landfills in Vati...

Agreement on improving waste collection system in Rasinski district

06 September 2017 - An agreement to launch a project to develop the system of separate waste collection for...

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