
EU futuristic 2050 vision vehicles mobility

EU launches futuristic 2050 vision for vehicles, mobility

14 December 2020 - A strategy unveiled in Brussels showed a vision of the EU with electric trucks and boats, autonomous vehicles, hyperloop, hydrogen aircraft, drones and AI


Climate tech investment poised for boom in decade ahead, PwC report implies

14 October 2020 - Startups in climate tech, a broad set of sectors tackling the decarbonization of the global economy...

European Green Capital Awards cities Ljubljana

Cities invited to apply for European Green Capital Award 2023

21 August 2020 - The European Commission is receiving applications for the European Green Capital Award 2023, an annual...

Beyond Leather clim@ apple-based clothing material

Beyond Leather wins clim@ 2020 competition with apple-based clothing material

02 June 2020 - The clim@ 2020 finals were held online today and the top 15 startups held virtual...

Environmental organizations appeal Serbia climate neutral economy

Environmental organizations’ appeal to Vučić, Brnabić: Accelerate shift to climate neutral economy

07 May 2020 - Nine environmental civil society organizations have asked the Serbian authorities to postpone any decision making...

IHA call sustainable hydropower projects

IHA extends deadline for hydropower projects to apply for CHF 1 million

15 April 2020 - Hydropower project developers and operators in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, including Albania, Bosnia...


MPs from region facilitate energy transition with support of GIZ ORF-EE (part two)

04 December 2019 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Energy Efficiency (GIZ ORF-EE) has...


MPs from region facilitate energy transition with support of GIZ ORF-EE

25 November 2019 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Energy Efficiency (GIZ ORF-EE) has...

Apply for Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice and get paid placement in one of 18 European states

19 March 2019 - EIT Climate-KIC, a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), has invited students, postgraduates, and professionals to...

2018 tracks progress for sustainability in Energy Community Contracting Parties

20 December 2018 - Author: Irina Lazzerini, Sustainable Energy Expert, Energy Community Secretariat When opening the Energy Community homepage,...

INTEGRA Active house

INTEGRA active house – First Serbian ecologically responsible house

29 November 2017 - Project: INTEGRA Active House Country: Serbia Project Phase: Readiness level, 3 prototypes ready to be...

EFdeN – Solar house and status of prosumers in Romania

28 November 2016 - By Mihai Toader-Pasti and Claudiu Butacu, co-founders energiaTa and EFdeN EFdeN is one of Europe’s...

Energy, environment and the Energy Community – sustainable solutions for the Western Balkans and beyond

20 October 2016 - By Peter Vajda, Environmental Expert, Energy Community External costs of energy generation Whether talking about...

Ljubljana participates in European Mobility Week

27 September 2016 - Between September 16 and 22, the Slovenian capital took part in the European Mobility Week...

green roofs

Green roofs as a modern concept of green building and its benefits to environment

28 July 2016 - Katarina Penonić, Master Engineer of Urbanism and Regional Development, B.Sc. Landscape Architect and Dejan Lazić, Senior...


Let’s roll for sustainability… in construction

01 July 2016 - The third edition of Green Building Expo will take place from November 2 to 4...

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