PPC Renewables

PPC Renewables invites bids to build, operate 10 MW wind farm

26 July 2018 - Greece’s PPC Renewables, a subsidiary of the country’s majority state-owned power utility, Public Power Corporation...

Greece launches regular renewable energy auctions in shift from standard FIT model

03 July 2018 - Greece has held its first regular competitive auctions for renewable energy capacities, after significantly trimming...

PPC Renewables’ geothermal partnership draws two 2nd round binding bids

12 June 2018 - Only two second-round binding bids were submitted for geothermal development partnership with Greece’s PPC Renewables,...

PPC Renewables readies to develop 700 MW in RES capacity

PPC Renewables readies to develop 700 MW in RES capacity

18 January 2018 - PPC Renewables, a wholly-owned green energy subsidiary of Public Power Corporation, the main power utility...

Greek PPC says it is close to acquire leading electricity trading company in FYROM

Greek PPC says it is close to acquire leading electricity trading company in FYROM

15 January 2018 - Public Power Corporation (PPC), the Greek national power generation company, has announced that it is...

PPC to sign agreement with China Development Bank

31 August 2017 - China Development Bank (CDB) and the Public Power Corporation (PPC) are due to sign a...

Greek PPC Renewables looking for partners to build 12 wind farms on islands

23 August 2017 - The Greek company PPC Renewables said it is looking for partners to build 12 wind...

Greek PPC Renewables plans to triple electricity production from geothermal energy

14 March 2017 - PPC Renewables, the leading Greek company for the production or electricity from renewables, wants to...

Greek energy companies interested in renewable energy projects

01 February 2017 - The Serbia-Greece business forum, held yesterday in Belgrade, gathered  59 Greek and about a hundred...

Greece expects EUR 1.5 billion investments in wind energy

06 January 2017 - Ten corporations and their associates are set to invest around EUR 1.5 billion over the...

PPC Renewables granted permit for biomass facility

29 October 2015 - A wholly-owned green energy subsidiary of Public Power Corporation, the main power utility, has been...

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