09 August 2021 - Professor Koso Stoychev said Slovakia, Romania and Greece have set dates for phasing out coal, and that Bulgaria must do the same.
22 June 2021 - The government has published action plans for phasing out coal, documents which will help Slovenia to apply at Just transition fund.
02 June 2021 - Market liberalization implies rising power prices and Kosovo* must make sure it happens gradually, Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač warned
20 May 2021 - Workers in the coal industry and regions that depend on it in the EU will be able to tap on the EUR 17.5 billion Just Transition Fund
12 December 2020 - The European Parliament is set to vote on a proposal for the EU's seven-year budget, green recovery funds and the 55% emission cut target
06 October 2020 - Developers of renewable energy, grid and just transition projects can file proposals in Romania by...
01 October 2020 - Romania has drafted the decision to grant RON 110 million (EUR 22.6 million) for the...
05 August 2020 - The Ministry of Infrastructure has set up an online platform as the main communication channel...
21 July 2020 - The European Council reached an agreement on the seven-year budget through 2027 including a mechanism...
30 June 2020 - The European Commission has launched the Just Transition Platform to help member states draw up...
25 June 2020 - Exemptions in air pollution limits in the EU are about to be abolished, so owners...
29 May 2020 - The European Commission has proposed to increase the funds intended for the energy transition of...