Just Transition Fund

Securing EU money for Bulgaria's energy transition will be difficult without coal phaseout date

Securing EU money for Bulgaria’s energy transition will be difficult without coal phaseout date

09 August 2021 - Professor Koso Stoychev said Slovakia, Romania and Greece have set dates for phasing out coal, and that Bulgaria must do the same.

Slovenia's mayors set council to secure just transition for coal phaseout

Slovenia’s mayors set council to secure just transition for coal phaseout

22 June 2021 - The government has published action plans for phasing out coal, documents which will help Slovenia to apply at Just transition fund.

Kopac Kosovo no future for coal power plants

Kopač tells Kosovo* there is no future for coal power plants

02 June 2021 - Market liberalization implies rising power prices and Kosovo* must make sure it happens gradually, Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač warned


EU member states to receive EUR 17.5 billion in grants for fossil fuel phaseout

20 May 2021 - Workers in the coal industry and regions that depend on it in the EU will be able to tap on the EUR 17.5 billion Just Transition Fund

EU leaders budget, green recovery funds 55 emission cut

EU leaders agree on budget, green recovery funds, 55% emission cut goal

12 December 2020 - The European Parliament is set to vote on a proposal for the EU's seven-year budget, green recovery funds and the 55% emission cut target

Romania EUR 6.7 billion EU green energy

Romania counts on EUR 6.7 billion from EU for green energy projects

06 October 2020 - Developers of renewable energy, grid and just transition projects can file proposals in Romania by...


Romania to allocate EUR 23 million for closure of two coal mines in Jiu Valley

01 October 2020 - Romania has drafted the decision to grant RON 110 million (EUR 22.6 million) for the...


Slovenia launches online platform for preparation of coal phaseout strategy

05 August 2020 - The Ministry of Infrastructure has set up an online platform as the main communication channel...

EU Just Transition Fund EUR 10 billion in COVID-19 recovery

EU cuts Just Transition Fund to EUR 10 billion in COVID-19 recovery deal

21 July 2020 - The European Council reached an agreement on the seven-year budget through 2027 including a mechanism...


EU launches Just Transition Platform for coal regions

30 June 2020 - The European Commission has launched the Just Transition Platform to help member states draw up...

Coal power plants in EU shuttering

Coal power plants in EU shuttering amid jump in expenses from end-June

25 June 2020 - Exemptions in air pollution limits in the EU are about to be abolished, so owners...


Southeastern Europe may get EUR 10 billion as EU boosts Just Transition Fund plan

29 May 2020 - The European Commission has proposed to increase the funds intended for the energy transition of...

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