
Roman Bernard NGEN batteries balancing electricity market

Bernard: NGEN batteries enable end consumers to enter electricity market

28 September 2023 - Slovenian company NGEN is currently installing a 70 MW / 140 MWh battery in Slovenia and a 50 MW / 100 MWh facility in Croatia

Three bids for strategic partner for 1 GW of solar in Serbia

Three bids for strategic partner for 1 GW of solar in Serbia

21 September 2023 - In late July, the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia launched a public call to select a strategic partner

marko bislimoski rke energy transition north macedonia

Bislimoski: Energy transition to make North Macedonia exporter of electricity

19 September 2023 - North Macedonia has increased its electricity generation capacity by 30%, according to Marko Bislimoski

nebojsa petrovic ems analysis of adequacy serbia

Serbia’s electricity system can operate with up to 5,800 MW of solar, wind

18 September 2023 - The 5,800 MW estimate is from an adequacy analysis conducted by Serbia's transmission system operator Elektromreža Srbije

GEN Energija new unit Krsko 2 nuclear power plant dejan paravan

GEN Energija considering larger capacity for new unit in Krško nuclear plant

15 September 2023 - Prime Minister Robert Golob recently said Slovenia is determined to speed up the development of the Krško 2 project

epcg amonia hydrogen energy 2023 zlatibor bojan djordan

EPCG mulls green ammonia, hydrogen production with European companies

13 September 2023 - More details will be available soon as Montenegro's power utility has undertaken the initial steps, Bojan Đordan said

croatia hrote auctions premiums renewables

Croatia to launch new round of auctions for premiums in October

04 September 2023 - Croatian regulatory body HROTE has invited investors to fill out questionnaires to help it improve auction rules and conditions

orange engie virtual ppa romania solar

Orange, Engie sign virtual PPA in Romania

29 August 2023 - The virtual power purchase agreement is for three members of the telecommunications group in Romania

eu electricity market reform acer christophe gence creux interview

Gence-Creux, ACER: EU power market reform to minimize price volatility for consumers

25 August 2023 - Electricity market design reform is currently one of the hottest topics in the energy sector in Europe. We spoke with Christophe Gence-Creux, head of the Department for Electricity at the ACER

CMS outlines energy project development rules in Croatia for investors

CMS outlines energy project development rules in Croatia for investors

23 August 2023 - Aiming to resolve the main dilemmas for investors and other participants in the energy market in Croatia, the law firm CMS Reich-Rohrwig answered several frequently asked questions

spain pv solar sector iea report

Spain led solar surge in EU in 2022, plans to almost double its 2030 PV target

22 August 2023 - In 2022 Spain recorded its highest annual additions of PV plants, which made it the largest PV market in Europe and the fifth in the world

Europe builds only 2.1 GW of new offshore wind in H1 2023 windeurope

Europe adds only 2.1 GW in offshore wind in H1 2023

18 August 2023 - The EU should be adding an average of 11 GW of offshore capacity per year by 2030 to reach its energy and climate targets

cges nosbih memorandum transmission lines

BiH, Montenegro to boost electricity interconnection capacity

16 August 2023 - Two countries have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the reconstruction of the existing, and the construction of new power lines

Post of Serbia introduces first electric vehicles novi sad

Post of Serbia introduces first electric vehicles

15 August 2023 - By the end of the month, the postal company will start using 31 electric delivery vans for its services in the center of Novi Sad

romania Minister of Energy Sebastian Burduja offshore wind

Burduja: First wind farms in Romania’s Black Sea in 2027-2028

15 August 2023 - The World Bank has estimated Romania’s offshore potential at 75 GW, Minister of Energy Sebastian Burduja said

croatia jobs energy efficiency green building council

Croatia needs 30,000 workers to achieve 2030 energy efficiency goals in buildings sector

11 August 2023 - According to the analysis, 40% to 60% of craftsmen say they do not know enough about energy-efficient technologies

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