11 August 2023 - The program for stimulating innovative energy efficiency measures in the industry for 2023 is jointly led by three ministries
10 August 2023 - Germany has decided to halt four infrastructure projects in the Republic of Srpska, worth a total of EUR 105 million
09 August 2023 - The country has launched a public call for a 30-year lease of state-owned land for a wind farm on the territory of the Municipality of Šavnik
08 August 2023 - In mid-June, TSO CGES inked its first grid connection agreement for a solar power project. The three facilities are planned at over 1,000 MW in combined capacity.
29 July 2023 - The deadline to submit offers for the strategic partnership to install solar power plants and battery storage is September 20
27 July 2023 - The financing will help deliver infrastructure investments, such as dikes, dams, and water reservoirs, which support flood protection
24 July 2023 - The first project will be implemented by Soške Elektrarne Nova Gorica and Družba za Avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji
21 July 2023 - ESG ratings will be assigned to firms based on their approach to environmental, social, and governance practices
21 July 2023 - OIEH claims that new HOPS rules on the connection to the network are going to extend the process of issuing the necessary permits
21 July 2023 - The decision is driven by the projection that the country will become a significant electricity importer as soon as 2026
18 July 2023 - The decree defines the upcoming public call and process, the criteria for participation and the evaluation of bids.
17 July 2023 - The Sarajevo Toplane - district heating project envisages two components that can be implemented in stages or simultaneously
17 July 2023 - The credit line is part of the government's measures to support households and businesses amid the economic slowdown and the energy crisis
14 July 2023 - The Government of Montenegro issued urban planning and technical requirements for the construction of solar parks
13 July 2023 - The results confirm the attractiveness of investing in offshore wind energy in Germany, said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur
07 July 2023 - Germany has decided to temporarily suspend cooperation with Kosovo*, including on two major energy sector projects