

Solar podcast: installing solar panels in Serbia can cut electricity bills by nearly 50%

12 June 2023 - The third episode of solar podcast ‘Everything you wanted to know about solar panels, but didn’t have anyone to ask’.

Federation of BiH to invest USD 70 million in air quality improvement sarajevo

Federation of BiH to invest USD 70 million in air quality improvement

09 June 2023 - The World Bank has approved a USD 50 million loan to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

EU modernization fund Bulgaria Croatia Romania

EU pays out EUR 1.4 billion to Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania for green transition

09 June 2023 - The European Union's Modernization Fund has paid out EUR 2.4 billion for the seven member states, which is the joint largest disbursement

GEK Terna signs solar power PPAs with PPC, RWE in Greece

GEK Terna signs solar power PPAs with PPC, RWE in Greece

08 June 2023 - Electricity supplier HERON and Meton Energy have signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) for three solar power projects in Greece

low carbon strategy serbia

Serbia adopts Low Carbon Development Strategy

07 June 2023 - The most expensive scenario for the country is to ignore the costs related to climate change, the document said

Serbia quota solar power auction

Serbia issues quota for upcoming solar power auction, adopts rules on balancing, premiums, feed-in tariffs

02 June 2023 - The government determined the quota for the premiums it intends to award for solar, defined balancing responsibility, premiums, feed-in tariffs rules

BEF 2023 john susa trina solar batteries green agenda

Šuša: No economy is competitive without green agenda

02 June 2023 - It is important that all stakeholders have the same understanding of the green agenda, according to John Šuša, Trina Solar

bef 2023 chad canfield ggf financing storage

GGF’s Canfield: Energy storage projects can be project financed

31 May 2023 - Whether it's permitting or something else, projects are generally not reaching financial close, Chad Canfield said

Serbia’s DSO Elektrodistribucija Srbije to invest EUR 50 million in grid modernization

30 May 2023 - The Government of Serbia will be the guarantor for a EUR 40 million loan from OTP Bank Serbia and EUR 10 million from Banca Intesa

djedovic Serbia to launch auctions for wind projects in June

Đedović: Serbia to launch wind power auction in June

29 May 2023 - Wind farm projects of 400 MW in total will be selected at the first auctions in the segment in Serbia

HT Profession Energia ink first virtual PPA in Croatia

HT, Professio Energia ink first corporate PPA in Croatia

27 May 2023 - The adviser to Hrvatski Telekom in reaching the power purchase agreement was consulting company PwC Croatia

Firms in North Macedonia propose 9 measures to government for energy crisis

Firms in North Macedonia propose nine measures to tackle energy crisis

23 May 2023 - Companies in North Macedonia have asked the government for support due to the energy crisis, and proposed nine measures

BEF 2023 Maja Turkovic batteries grid connection

Maja Turković: Battery installation requirement to clear large number of requests for grid connection

20 May 2023 - It would increase the cost of projects, Maja Turković, Executive Vice President, CWP Europe, said at the Belgrade Energy Forum 2023

Montenegro LNG terminal Enerflex Energy Systems Wethington Energy Innovation

Montenegro signs memorandum for LNG terminal, gas-fired power plant

12 May 2023 - The memorandum on the support in improving energy infrastructure in Montenegro was signed with two US-based firms


BEF 2023: Western Balkans must get financial support to decarbonize

12 May 2023 - Countries in Southeast Europe have no doubt that decarbonization is inevitable, but EU members have more money to implement it

bef 2023 batteries auctions ppa contracts

BEF 2023: Serbia starts bringing order to grid connection process, battery rule may cause problems

10 May 2023 - Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 brought together government officials and major companies in Serbia’s capital city

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