08 December 2020 - The EU is taking Greece and Bulgaria to the Court of Justice for failing to tackle PM10 air pollution and reprimanding them for environmental breaches
04 December 2020 - Minister of Ecology and Spatial and Urban Planning Ratko Mitrović and Minister of Capital Investments Mladen Bojanić start tenure in Montenegro
03 December 2020 - Prime Minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapić said the government would ban the construction of small hydropower plants and review all concessions
03 December 2020 - Kosovo* is preparing to open renewable energy auctions in cooperation with the EBRD, and its National Energy and Climate Plan is almost finished
01 December 2020 - CZŽS from BiH asked the state to determine the transboundary environmental impact of the lithium exploitation and processing project in Serbia
30 November 2020 - The European Climate Initiative – EUKI launched a call for the civil society, authorities and educational entities to outline cross-border climate projects.
26 November 2020 - The European Commission needs to promote repair, resale and reuse of products and ban built-in product obsolence, lawmakers said in a resolution.
25 November 2020 - The coronavirus impact may only slightly slow growth in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere as more drastic climate action is necessary
24 November 2020 - The G20 vowed to mitigate climate change but its members aren't in compliance with the goal to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees
23 November 2020 - The Government of Romania claims no more coal power plants would be built and CE Oltenia hinted it is about to scrap the last such project.
18 November 2020 - The UK rolled out a green for pandemic recovery and moved the new fossil fuel–powered car sales ban target date from 2040 to 2030.
16 November 2020 - The European Climate Initiative – EUKI is about to start its fifth call for climate action financing for nonprofit organizations.
14 November 2020 - Beyond Leather Materials from Denmark produces a leather substitute from apple pulp, but it is considering to include different fruits
11 November 2020 - Ember highlighted seven EU states including Bulgaria and Romania projected to have the dirtiest power systems in 2030
11 November 2020 - Minister of Mining and Energy of Serbia Zorana Mihajlović vowed to improve legislation for energy, renewables and energy efficiency
10 November 2020 - European Union hopefuls from the continent's southeast agreed at a summit in Sofia with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans