21 February 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has announced its second senior facility of EUR 10...
20 February 2019 - The energy efficiency action plan recently adopted by the Croatian government envisages measures to reduce...
07 February 2019 - The NEWLIGHT project, implemented by the Regional Energy Agency of the North-West Croatia (REGEA) and...
04 February 2019 - Resalta, in partnership with Energetika Ljubljana, is implementing a pilot project for smart district heating...
30 January 2019 - The Government of the Federation of BiH (FBiH) will establish an energy efficiency agency after...
28 January 2019 - Novi Sad-based Erker Inženjering is providing its tenants with living conditions to be envied. The...
25 January 2019 - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has issued a public...
17 January 2019 - The European Investment Bank (EIB), one of the largest financiers of global energy infrastructure, has...
26 December 2018 - Residents of two buildings in the Stepa Stepanović residential complex in Belgrade can check on...
18 December 2018 - Supporting the work of the Green Club of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina...
06 December 2018 - A parliamentary delegation from Kosovo* visited Podgorica, Montenegro on December 4 and 5 to discuss...
30 November 2018 - GIZ ORF-EE partner, the Center for Research and Policy Making, presented a White Paper, titled...
30 November 2018 - German development bank KfW has signed a EUR 18.5 million financing agreement with Raiffeisen Bank...
30 November 2018 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has moved into a new phase of...
29 November 2018 - After the success of the 1st South-East Europe Parliamentary Forum on Energy Efficiency (EE) and...
28 November 2018 - The Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have...