
Power from renewable sources through Serbia-Croatia cross-border cooperation

24 July 2017 - Cross border cooperation between Serbia and Croatia, supported by the EU, is leading to the...

New biomass CHP commissioned in Croatian town of Glina

16 May 2017 - The Drvni centar (Wood Center) in the Croatian town of Glina commissioned a new cogeneration...

Residues reaching end of life cycle better development policy than burning high grade biomass fuel

24 April 2017 - Lukas Schirnhofer, CEO of Polytechnik, Austrian company and one of the world’s leading biomass to...

Podgorica to get electricity fueled by biogas from waste

24 April 2017 - The municipal operator of the landfill in Montenegro’s capital city initiated the construction of the...

Environmental protection and sustainable development in the focus of CEDEF event in Novi Sad

04 March 2017 - Recent announcements that Serbia may soon open Chapter 27 of the acquis have greatly influenced...

Excise duties on biomass and renewables in Croatia would be “dangerous precedent”

27 February 2017 - The introduction of excise duties on biomass and other renewables in Croatia was the main topic...

FIPA: EUR 10 million investment in Breza municipality

13 February 2017 - Around EUR 10 million will be invested in the construction of a biomass fuelled combined...

Swiss donation for CHP unit in Belgrade suburb Padinska Skela

17 January 2017 - The Swiss Government will donate EUR 1,2 million and CHF 500.000 to Serbia for the...

Higher electricity prices possible in Federation BiH on higher incentive fees

12 December 2016 - The incentive fees for renewable energy sources and cogeneration plants should be increased, said the...

Auctions for renewables: towards markets proximity

26 November 2016 - The future of support mechanisms for renewables with targeted insight towards the SEE markets and...

NIS, Betec sign cooperation agreement on geothermal energy

02 November 2016 - Serbian energy company NIS Gazprom Neft and the Chinese Betec Group Ltd. have signed a co-operation...

Ebioss bringing biomass CHP plant online with EVN

25 September 2016 - An agreement on linking a renewable energy unit to the grid was signed this week...

Issuing body in Federation of BiH seeks projects with NGOs

05 September 2016 - Operator za OIEiEK, authority for renewable energy sources and efficient cogeneration, said last week it...

biogas power plant Šamac

Biogas plant near Šamac finishes trial operation

16 August 2016 - Biogas-fired heat and power plant Buffalo Energy Gold MG in Novo Selo near Šamac, a...


HEP installs equipment in two cogeneration plants

11 August 2016 - The installation of major equipment in Hep Group’s first combined heat and power (CHP) plants on forest...

hydro Vranduk

Power output eligible for incentives rises 4.6%

05 August 2016 - Slovenia’s electricity feed-in support scheme for renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration power plants included...

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