19 January 2023 - Beogradske Elektrane and Elektroprivreda Srbije have signed an agreement on the construction of infrastructure for the pipeline
09 December 2022 - With its new cogeneration plant and a district heating network upgrade, Gjakova has set an example for municipal authorities in the Balkans
15 November 2022 - Electricity is delivered to power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije, said oil and gas company NIS, one of the owners of the facility
18 October 2022 - North Macedonia has been selecting strategic investment projects to speed up power plant construction and boost domestic energy output
11 October 2022 - GEN-I connected its 17 MW solar power plant southeast of Skopje to the grid four months before the deadline
09 September 2022 - Environmentalists claim waste is planned to be added as a fuel in the project to switch unit 3 in coal plant Tuzla to biomass
29 August 2022 - EPBiH has issued a public call for the procurement of electricity produced from renewable sources and through high-efficiency cogeneration
25 March 2022 - The owners of the facility are ArcelorMittal, the City of Zenica and Finnish companies KPA Union and FinnFund
04 January 2022 - A new ministerial decree specifies the categories of renewable energy projects that will take place in individual or joint auctions
07 November 2021 - The new digester at Sofiyska voda's wastewater treatment plant, worth EUR 3.1 million, increased its biogas production capacity by 25%
26 October 2021 - A combined heat and power system in Gjakova was built for district heating purposes with funds from the EU and Switzerland
13 August 2021 - Waste-to-energy and gasification solutions company Eqtec has announced it has completed the acquisition of a 1.2 MW power plant in Croatia.
08 January 2021 - Luxembourg-based investment fund PEARL Infrastructure Capital is the new owner of a 5 MWe biomass cogeneration plant in Croatia.
07 October 2020 - The waste incineration plant under construction in Vinča will make Belgrade lag behind Serbia’s efforts...
25 September 2020 - A public discussion about the planned waste incinerator in Vinča in Belgrade will be held...
12 July 2020 - Novi Sad’s district heating operator has put in operation cogeneration facility Jug, with an installed...