CO2 emissions

Soil carbon storage in agriculture for climate, and trade, bonds and profits

Soil carbon storage in agriculture for climate, and trade, bonds and profits

06 November 2022 - Carbon capture and storage in agricultural land could become one of the more effective methods...

City of NiS starts development of Energy Transition Roadmap until 2050 tender

City of Niš in Serbia to develop Energy Transition Roadmap until 2050

26 September 2022 - The local team in charge of the project is seeking an experienced consultant to support the work, the deadline for offers is October 4


One of Slovenia’s biggest rooftop solar plants to help decarbonize cement production

23 August 2022 - Slovenian cement maker Salonit Anhovo has put into operation one of the largest rooftop solar power plants in the country

waste to energy energy crisis vienna

Waste management sector can help Europe lower gas consumption

04 August 2022 - The sector conducts recycling and recovery operations and produces heat and energy through incineration and anaerobic digestion

Bulgarian cement plant EU grant innovative carbon capture storage

Bulgarian cement plant gets EU grant for innovative carbon capture, storage project

18 July 2022 - Devnya Cement got a EUR 190 million grant from the EU for the first full-chain carbon capture and storage project in the Balkans


Fossil fuels returned as top energy source in EU power generation in 2021

01 July 2022 - Among renewable sources, the biggest increase in 2021 was seen in electricity produced from solar energy, 13%,

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

29 June 2022 - The Council of the EU and European Parliament are set for talks on the Fit-for-55 package. Both agree new combustion engines should be banned by 2035.

EP votes protect EU industry after CO2 border tax fully implemented

EP votes to protect EU industry even after CO2 border tax is fully implemented

23 June 2022 - MEPs want to maintain free emission allowances for industrial producers in the EU after the CO2 border tax is fully implemented in 2030


BMW building world’s first carbon-free car plant in Hungary

03 June 2022 - The new BMW factory in Hungary will produce electric automobiles entirely without the the use of fossil fuels.

Sweden first in the world accounts for consumption emissions in climate targets

Sweden introduces imported good’s emissions in country’s climate targets

15 April 2022 - Swedish lawmakers backed the proposal to include CO2 emissions from the production and transport of imported goods in climate targets

BiH to prepare CO2 emissions pricing, trading system by 2026

BiH to prepare CO2 taxing system by 2026

22 March 2022 - Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH is preparing a roadmap for the introduction of the CO2 taxing and trading system


Commercial prosumers – solution for companies to decarbonize, secure stable power supply

28 February 2022 - Panelists talked about options available for businesses to become commercial prosumers and produce their own electricity, models for investing in renewable energy, as well as billing schemes and grid connection procedures.


Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market: no time to delay energy transition

22 February 2022 - Achieving climate neutrality calls for changes across society, and changing people’s mindset will pose the greatest challenge, according to the conference Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market.

OCI Norway is pursuing an aggressive policy of expanding its oil and gas industries

OCI: Norway is pursuing an aggressive policy of expanding its oil and gas industries

11 February 2022 - According to Oil Change International (OCI), Norway is pursuing an oil and gas expansion policy and it has awarded 700 exploration permits in the past ten years, while the UK announced it would start exploitation at six fields in the North Sea this year

iea electricity report 2022 prices

IEA: Rising demand for electricity could result in high prices over next three years

14 January 2022 - Average wholesale electricity prices in Europe in the fourth quarter of 2021 were more than four times as high as their 2015-2020 average

EPCG intends to construct three gas power plants energean

EPCG intends to construct three gas power plants in Montenegro

06 January 2022 - In order to prepare the necessary documents, Elektroprivreda Crne Gore has announced a tender for the selection of a consultant

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