22 March 2023 - The firm has signed a contract with thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions regarding the new, second-generation oxyfuel technology
18 March 2023 - Global Recycling Day is marked on March 18 to highlight the importance of reusing items...
02 March 2023 - The expansion of renewable sources prevented CO2 emissions from increasing significantly in 2022, but they did reach their historical maximum
28 February 2023 - EPPO's office in Sofia is carrying out searches and investigation in a probe into fraud regarding the EU Emissions Trading System
22 February 2023 - Poland achieved the fastest expansion in Europe, 100%, followed by the Czech Republic's 99%. The Netherlands came in third, with 80%.
16 February 2023 - Elektroprivreda Srbije intends to shut down 11 coal power units, with a total capacity of 1,744 MW, between 2025 and 2030
31 January 2023 - The public call for subsidies is intended for local authorities, which should later launch public calls for citizens
11 January 2023 - The canton wants to change its energy policy to transition to renewable energy and reduce import dependence
30 December 2022 - The first auction for providing incentives to producers of electricity from renewables is expected soon, with a 400 MW quota
23 December 2022 - Two wind farm projects are envisaged to generate enough power for more than 332,000 Romanian homes and avoid 220,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions
23 December 2022 - Big solar thermal projects are seen as the proper solution for district heating decarbonization in the region
15 December 2022 - Japan is the fifth largest emitter of CO2 in the world and has committed itself to make those emissions net zero by 2050
01 December 2022 - Sales of heat pumps will soar to record levels in the coming years as the energy crisis accelerated their deployment
01 December 2022 - Qatar spent USD 220 billion for the World Cup. To cover the tournament's cost, the country will have to sell three billion barrels of oil.
30 November 2022 - Digitalisation changes everything because it connects all processes and provides a complete result, notes Petr Hermann, Schneider Electric Cluster President, Southeast Europe, in an interview for the Balkan Green Energy News
17 November 2022 - The company will invest heavily to increase the use of renewable sources and clean energy, and modernize its refineries