
Terna to complete Italy-Montenegro power line by end-2019, halves initial capacity

28 March 2018 - Italian energy company Terna has said it plans to complete the Italy-Montenegro electricity interconnector project...

Energy Community and EBRD issue Policy Guidelines for renewable energy auctions

26 March 2018 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat have...

Intraday allocation on Croatian-Hungarian border to be launched

22 March 2018 - Croatian transmission system operator (TSO) HOPS and Hungarian transmission system operator MAVIR announced the launch...

European Environment Agency to assist Energy Community on reporting of emissions from large combustion plants

21 March 2018 - Energy Community Secretariat will cooperate with European Environment Agency on the Contracting Parties’ obligation to...

Study: Who is financing hydropower projects in protected areas in Southeast Europe

20 March 2018 - Out of the 2,112 planned or operational hydropower projects across southeast Europe (SEE) since 2005,...

Biodiversity: Second publication BIMR Regional Guidelines now available

Biodiversity: Second publication BIMR Regional Guidelines now available

19 March 2018 - The Open Regional Funds for South-East Europe – Biodiversity project (ORF-BD), funded by the German...

Call for Climate-KIC Accelerator and Pioneers in Practice applications

Call for Climate-KIC Accelerator and Pioneers in Practice applications

16 March 2018 - Green startups and entrepreneurs interested in joining the Europe’s largest clean-tech accelerator – Climate-KIC Accelerator,...

GGE has changed its name and brand and becomes Resalta

GGE has changed its name and brand and becomes Resalta

15 March 2018 - Resalta is the new name and brand under which one of the leading energy services...

EUSEW18 goes beyond the week - Energy days hosted in May and June

EUSEW18 goes beyond the week – Energy days hosted in May and June

15 March 2018 - EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) has been raising awareness on the importance of renewable energy...

Open call for Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships 2018

Open call for Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarships 2018

12 March 2018 - The EUROPARC Federation, with support from the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., has issued an open...

Great interest in fifth International RENEXPO Water & Energy in Belgrade

Great interest in 5th International RENEXPO Water & Energy in Belgrade

12 March 2018 - For the fifth time, Belgrade will host a unique international event – RENEXPO® Water & Energy,...

GIZ ORF-EE supports Sustainable Urban Mobility in SEE

09 March 2018 - The GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE) initiated on 27...

Serbian TSO: KOSTT ceases illegal power withdrawal, ending deviation in CE Power System

08 March 2018 - Serbian transmission system operator (TSO) Elektromreža Srbije (EMS) announced that Kosovo’s* transmission system operator KOSTT...

Competition for start-ups from cleantech sector launched

01 March 2018 - The fourth edition of the largest competition for start-ups from the cleantech sector in Central...

CLIM@, competition for sustainable future - Call for application

CLIM@ competition for sustainable future – Call for applications

19 February 2018 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has launched clim@, a new competition for innovative businesses...

Energy Community published Policy Guidelines on prosumers

Energy Community published Policy Guidelines on prosumers

14 February 2018 - The Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat has issued Policy Guidelines on the Grid Integration of Prosumers...

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