
Croatia considering alternative fuels retired coal plant Plomin 1

Croatia examining alternative fuels for its retired coal plant Plomin 1

07 June 2022 - A consortium will determine the best solutions for using gas, biomass and waste in defunct thermal power plant Plomin 1 in Croatia

Priority new Government Slovenia energy crisis

Priority of new Government of Slovenia is to tackle energy crisis

06 June 2022 - Prime Minister Robert Golob promised everyone would take their fair share of the burden from rising food and energy prices


World Environment Day 2022: We only have one Earth

05 June 2022 - In the universe are billions of galaxies, in our galaxy are billions of planets, but...

The world has been halted in the past two years on the SDGs.

Tracking SDGs: For the second year in row, world is no longer making progress on SDGs

03 June 2022 - Crises in health, climate, biodiversity, and geopolitical turmoil pose major challenges for sustainable development at the global level

Albania bans single use plastic bags

Albania bans single-use plastic bags

01 June 2022 - It is forbidden to produce, import and sell disposable plastic bags in Albania including those that are defined as oxo-degradable or oxo-biodegradable

Nuredini Wind solar power degraded land

Nuredini: Wind, solar power plants should be built on degraded land

30 May 2022 - In identifying suitable locations for solar and wind farms, degraded land should be considered а priority, Minister Nuredini said


Medical Chamber of Slovenia demands government to revoke decree on waste incinerators

27 May 2022 - The decree on granting concessions for waste incinerators neglects the environmental and health aspects, said the chamber

Young people, national consultations for Stockholm

Young people have major role to play in energy transition – national consultations for Stockholm+50

22 May 2022 - The youth consultation meeting within Serbia's national consultations for Stockholm+50 focused on young people's role in environmental protection and climate action

Biodiversity Day: Building a shared future for all life

Biodiversity Day: Building a shared future for all life

22 May 2022 - This year’s slogan of the International Day for Biological Diversity celebrated on May 22nd is...

Which countries in Western Balkans intend to introduce carbon tax cbam

Which Western Balkan countries intend to introduce carbon tax?

18 May 2022 - Countries are doing so in order to accelerate decarbonization, but also to avoid paying the carbon border tax announced by the EU


National environmental consultations for Stockholm+50: unbreakable link between healthy environment and human health

18 May 2022 - The Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), supported by the Government of Sweden, held the second meeting last week as part of Serbia’s Stockholm+50 national consultations.

Over 200 dams removed across Europe in 2021

Over 200 dams removed across Europe in 2021

17 May 2022 - Rivers in Europe are partitioned by over a million dams and barriers, many of which...

Bulgaria is guilty for air pollution rules European Court of Justice

16 May 2022 - Bulgaria has breached EU rules on air pollution because of failure to address SO2 pollution from super-polluting coal plants


Join Serbia’s national consultations under Stockholm+50 initiative

11 May 2022 - Online platform SparkBlue is open until May 20 to all those who wish to join...

Prishtina mayor cut air pollution 95

Prishtina mayor announces measures to cut air pollution by 95%

11 May 2022 - Prishtina's Mayor Përparim Rama said air pollution would be cut by 95% with subsidies for heating devices, transportation infrastructure upgrades and electric vehicles

air pollution SEE health

Air pollution continues to threaten health of people in Southeast Europe

11 May 2022 - Air pollution continues to be a leading health concern in Southeast Europe, according to the new report created by the Health Effects Institute

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