
Jadar Declaration unites activists in global resistance against lithium mining

Jadar Declaration unites activists in global resistance against lithium mining

10 July 2022 - The Jadar Declaration opens the way for an international solidarity network for environmental protection and against lithium mining

Plastic bag free day and Plastic free July – not only consumers' responsibility

Plastic Bag Free Day, Plastic Free July – not all responsibility is on consumers

03 July 2022 - Recent studies revealed that microplastic pollution is taking on new forms and shapes that threaten human health


Fossil fuels returned as top energy source in EU power generation in 2021

01 July 2022 - Among renewable sources, the biggest increase in 2021 was seen in electricity produced from solar energy, 13%,

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

EU agrees fossil fuel car ban as climate package talks are starting

29 June 2022 - The Council of the EU and European Parliament are set for talks on the Fit-for-55 package. Both agree new combustion engines should be banned by 2035.

Eriola Bibolli General Manager ProCredit Bank Kosovo

ProCredit Bank Kosovo – a driver of green finance and energy transition in the country

24 June 2022 - Author: Eriola Bibolli, General Manager, ProCredit Bank Kosova  It is a well-known fact that climate...

Pollution coal plants Western Balkans extreme 2021

Pollution from coal plants in Western Balkans remains extreme in 2021

22 June 2022 - Coal-fired power plants in the Western Balkans were in breach of Energy Community pollution rules in 2021 for the fourth year in a row.

Environmentalists reusable refillable packaging biggest plastic polluters

Environmentalists demand reusable, refillable packaging from biggest plastic polluters

17 June 2022 - Over 400 organizations demand that the five biggest plastic polluters commit to transparent, ambitious and accountable reuse and refill systems

Bern Convention Rio Tinto Jadar project earh thrive complaint

Bern Convention’s Bureau closely monitors possible relaunch of Jadar project in Serbia

16 June 2022 - European and Serbian NGOs have filed a complaint against Serbia under the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats

Environmentalists denounce Coca-Cola's Rosa Water promo event: you can not party in protected natural environment

Environmentalists denounce Coca-Cola’s water promo event: you cannot party in nature protection areas

14 June 2022 - A marketing event for the Rosa Homolje bottled water brand in the protected nature site Rajko's Cave has prompted fierce criticism

Packaging waste Serbia

Packaging waste – how citizens pay for businesses’ irresponsibility

13 June 2022 - In this latest article in the series “Serbia, from garbage dumps to circular economy,” Balkan Green Energy News discuss the packaging waste management system with Violeta Belanović Kokir, Kristina Cvejanov, and Dragana Katić

E Grus seek coinvestor Golic wind farm Slovenia

E-Grus may seek coinvestor for its Golič wind farm project in Slovenia

10 June 2022 - Savaprojekt's subsidiary E-Grus will probably look for a coinvestor when it advances the Golič wind farm project in Slovenia

Lithium salts health hazard EU

Lithium salts could be declared health hazard in EU

09 June 2022 - A major lithium producer threatened to close its plant in Germany if the European Union declares the material dangerous to human health

European Parliament delays decision carbon border tax CBAM

European Parliament delays decision to introduce carbon border tax – CBAM

08 June 2022 - The European Parliament rejected a set of law proposals within the Fit-for-55 climate package including the CBAM carbon border tax scheme

Serbia invests billions of euros in wastewater treatment system projects

Serbia invests billions of euros in wastewater treatment

08 June 2022 - The latest agreements and earlier loans amount to EUR 4 billion in investments in wastewater treatment and utility infrastructure.

Red alert triggered in Serbia as 40% of citizens drink unsafe water

08 June 2022 - About 40% of Serbia's residents drink unsafe water while about 600,000 residents of Vojvodina get drinking water with traces of arsenic

Federation Bosnia Herzegovina one last step ban small hydropower plants

One more step to definitely ban small hydropower plants in FBiH

08 June 2022 - The Parliament of FBiH must ban small hydropower plants before the elections or the initiative may fail, environmentalist Anes Podić warns

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