
EPS, KfW developing green energy together

27 January 2016 - Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) is an important partner of KfW Development Bank in...

EC’s contracting parties to cap pollution from plants

07 January 2016 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine submitted national emission reduction plans (NERPs) to...

UNDP publishes country snapshots on climate change

23 December 2015 - By Christoph S. Henrich, Sustainable Energy Consultant, Istanbul Regional Hub, United Nations Development Programme in Europe and...

Serbia to ratify climate change deal within one year

22 December 2015 - The agreement adopted on December 12 at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP21) in Paris...

Climate change action is efficient only if taken by all

25 November 2015 - The Embassy of France in Serbia has been active in raising awareness about climate change,...


Action plan for Belgrade won’t remain on paper

19 November 2015 - Citizens will be informed every year on the implementation of measures from the Assessment of...

Society must know climate change intensifies

13 November 2015 - The global average temperature has increased over the past 100 years by 0.85 degrees Celsius,...

Serbian, French companies promote low-carbon economy

05 November 2015 - To develop green economy means to adjust our energy production, adjust our settlements, our vehicles,...

Two mini hydro projects in southeast Serbia need no impact assessment

04 November 2015 - The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Serbia said there is no need for...


Belgrade adopts plan for adaptation to climate change

23 October 2015 - The assembly of Serbia’s capital city approved the Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change and...

Serbia’s climate talks – on the way to Paris

06 October 2015 - The conference ‘Dialogue on Climate Change in Serbia: Climate-smart Partnerships Ahead of Paris COP21’ was...

Oil belongs in the soil, environmentalists say

27 September 2015 - Friends of the Earth (FoE) Cyprus organised an event in Nicosia to highlight the upcoming...

Environmental groups call for protection of Sutjeska

21 September 2015 - At a press conference held at hotel Bosna in Banja Luka, representatives of environmental organizations...

solar Kostolac

Paperwork sought for extention of planned solar park in Kostolac

07 September 2015 - Serbian state-owned energy utility EPS has invited bids for the preparation of the investment and...

Montenegro ranks concessions for four small hydro projects

Small hydropower concessions coming up in Montenegro

24 August 2015 - Investors can apply for the construction of small hydropower plants in two locations in Montenegro....

Earth’s energy imbalance and climate change

29 July 2015 - By Vladimir Đurđević, Institute of Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, vdj@ff.bg.ac.rs Planet Earth is...

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