
Vladimir Spasić

Croatian Energy Market Operator to become part of Croatian Transmission System Operator

07 August 2018 - The Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE) will be part of the Croatian Transmission System Operator...

CEDIS to invest EUR 81.6 million in distribution network, tendering expected by end-October

07 August 2018 - Tendering for the selection of equipment suppliers and contractors for a project worth EUR 81.6 million...

Bulgaria’s NEK reports net loss in H1, to cancel some projects

06 August 2018 - Power utility Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania (NEK) reported a BGN 74 million (EUR 37.8 million) net...

Nord Pool, EPEX SPOT interested in strategic partnership with Montenegrin power exchange

06 August 2018 - Nord Pool and EPEX SPOT are interested in getting stakes in the Montenegrin Power Exchange...

Litostroj, ABB to modernize HPP Piva

03 August 2018 - Power utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) and a consortium of Slovenia’s Litostroj and Italy’s ABB...

Slovenia’s Riko to build EUR 10 million solar power plant in Ukraine

02 August 2018 - Slovenian engineering company Riko will build a 10.6 MW solar power plant near Zhytomyr in...

Albania’s KESH invites bids for dam alarm system, revitalization

01 August 2018 - Albania’s power utility KESH has invited bids for the construction of the dam alarm system...

Germany’s WPD eyes EUR 100 million wind farm investment, government announces tendering

01 August 2018 - Vjetroelektrana Budva has submitted a request for opening a tendering procedure for the construction of...

China’s Norinco gets green light for 156 MW wind farm near Senj

31 July 2018 - China’s construction company Norinco International Cooperation has obtained a building permit for the construction of...

TRC’s R3FIBER offers reduced carbon footprint of composites

30 July 2018 - Some 300,000 turbine blades have already been dumped in EU landfills, with 40,000 more generated...

BSTDB initiates first energy efficiency facility in Romania

27 July 2018 - The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) has secured a EUR 7 million revolving...

HEP to invest EUR 31 million in smart grids by 2022

27 July 2018 - Power utility Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP) will invest almost HRK 230 million (EUR 31 million) into...

Novi Sad to seek bids to build new pumping station for wastewater system

26 July 2018 - Tendering for the construction of a new main pumping station for Novi Sad’s wastewater collection...

Nevesinje municipality, Ekoteh sign contract for new EUR 1.2 million water treatment plant

26 July 2018 - Nevesinje Mayor Milenko Avdalović and Marko Škoberne, chairman of the management board of Slovenia-based Ekoteh, ...

Antitrust watchdog blocks CEZ deal with Inercom

25 July 2018 - Bulgaria’s antitrust regulator has blocked the sale of Czech energy group CEZ’s assets in Bulgaria...

City of Uzice

Užice announces EUR 2 million energy efficiency investment in schools for 2019

24 July 2018 - The City of Užice has announced a EUR 2 million energy efficiency investment in seven...

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