
Balkan Green Energy News

Croatia introduces new rules on waste transport and disposal

30 May 2017 - Croatian government has adopted a decree which stipulates that waste transport and disposal will be...

Call for final bids for Belgrade’s largest landfill Vinča

30 May 2017 - The City of Belgrade published a call for submission of final bids for public-private partnership...

EBRD calls for consultant on waste management law in Turkey

30 May 2017 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has issued an invitation for the engagement...

Major sustainable energy and environmental projects of Serbia’s capital announced

29 May 2017 - The first ever “ENERGY WEEK – Nedelja energije” kicked off today in Belgrade, as a...

IBC SOLAR Turkey has commissioned a 5.9 MWp PV project in Gaziantep

27 May 2017 - IBC SOLAR Turkey has completed a 5.9 MWp solar power plant which will produce about...

EBRD updated GPN for Gradačac water supply project

26 May 2017 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) updated the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for...

City of Belgrade joins EU Sustainable Energy Week initiative #EUSEW2017

26 May 2017 - The “ENERGY WEEK – Nedelja energije” will be organized for the first time in Serbia...

Croatian Government secures more money for boosting energy efficiency

25 May 2017 - The Croatian government decided to increase the funding for projects aimed at increasing the energy...

Serbian Parliament says yes to KfW loans to EPS and EMS

25 May 2017 - Serbian Parliament has approved laws on Government’s guarantees for loans which German development bank KfW...

Apply for European Green Capital title and European Green Leaf awards

24 May 2017 - The European Commission has launched  today the competition for the 2020 European Green Capital and 2019...

Global energy system creating more jobs in renewables than in fossil-fuel technologies

24 May 2017 - More than 9.8 million people were employed in the renewable energy sector in 2016, according...

New milestone in waste management regulation of BIH Federation

24 May 2017 - The government of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Federation adopted draft amendments to the Law on Waste Management...

German VE Grebak plans to build windfarm in Nevesinje area

23 May 2017 - Republika Srpska Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining Petar Đokić lent his support to an...

EUR 40 million funding provided for smart grids project connecting Slovenian and Croatian electricity grids

23 May 2017 - EU is to provide EUR 40 million funding from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for SINCO.GRID,...

Water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus and benefits of cooperation in the Western Balkans

22 May 2017 -   Project: Greening economic development in Western Balkans trough applying a nexus approach and identification...

Energy efficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovina: opportunity or obligation?

22 May 2017 - Author: Nihad Harbaš, Energy and climate change consultant  BiH: Are end users still wasting energy?...

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