09 August 2023 - The country has launched a public call for a 30-year lease of state-owned land for a wind farm on the territory of the Municipality of Šavnik
03 August 2023 - The government of Canton 10 has approved the text of a concession agreement for the construction of a 54.6 MW wind farm
02 August 2023 - The Federation of BiH has adopted a set of reform energy laws, including the law on renewable energy and efficient cogeneration
21 July 2023 - The decision is driven by the projection that the country will become a significant electricity importer as soon as 2026
11 July 2023 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy has invited all interested parties, not only from Serbia, but also from neighboring countries, to join the public consultation
07 July 2023 - Electricity producers on power exchanges across Europe were offering to pay up to EUR 500 per MWh to whoever would take their electricity
07 July 2023 - The investment will deliver the first power corridor in the Romanian Black Sea, according to Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG)
01 July 2023 - China is on track to double its solar and wind power capacity and achieve its ambitious 2030 target five years ahead of schedule
29 June 2023 - The Government of Croatia has adopted the long-awaited decree on incentives for electricity generation from renewable sources
27 June 2023 - EPBiH has revamped the 90 MW Bitovnja wind farm project after several years, and is now in talks with the local population
21 June 2023 - German renewable energy developer wpd plans to build a solar power plant at the site of its existing wind farm Katuni
15 June 2023 - The document is available on the website of the Ministry of Mining and Energy and public consultation is open from June 13 to July 28
14 June 2023 - The quotas in Serbia's first-ever renewable energy auctions are 400 MW for wind power and 50 MW for solar power
05 June 2023 - The setting of the price is one of the most important steps in the preparation for the first auctions in the country
31 May 2023 - Whether it's permitting or something else, projects are generally not reaching financial close, Chad Canfield said
29 May 2023 - Wind farm projects of 400 MW in total will be selected at the first auctions in the segment in Serbia