wind farms

New rules for grid connection for solar, wind projects in Serbia

New rules for grid connection for solar, wind projects in Serbia

03 October 2023 - The Government of Serbia has finally changed the procedure for connecting new power plants to the transmission and distribution grids

nebojsa petrovic ems analysis of adequacy serbia

Serbia’s electricity system can operate with up to 5,800 MW of solar, wind

18 September 2023 - The 5,800 MW estimate is from an adequacy analysis conducted by Serbia's transmission system operator Elektromreža Srbije


Swiss energy company Alpiq posts strong EBITDA, net income in H1 2023

24 August 2023 - Alpiq said its adjusted EBITDA in H1 2023 was CHF 787 million, up from CHF 114 million in the same period of 2022


China, EU hope to make renewables tech recyclable in next decade

22 August 2023 - Wind turbines are 85%-95% recyclable, but blades are challenging because they are made of composite materials

Europe builds only 2.1 GW of new offshore wind in H1 2023 windeurope

Europe adds only 2.1 GW in offshore wind in H1 2023

18 August 2023 - The EU should be adding an average of 11 GW of offshore capacity per year by 2030 to reach its energy and climate targets

savnik wind farms land lease krnovo duzi malinsko

Montenegro offers to lease land for wind farm for 30 years

09 August 2023 - The country has launched a public call for a 30-year lease of state-owned land for a wind farm on the territory of the Municipality of Šavnik


Concession agreement for 54.6 MW wind farm in Kupres in BiH gets green light

03 August 2023 - The government of Canton 10 has approved the text of a concession agreement for the construction of a 54.6 MW wind farm


FBiH passes law to roll out prosumers, renewable energy auctions

02 August 2023 - The Federation of BiH has adopted a set of reform energy laws, including the law on renewable energy and efficient cogeneration

Serbia intends to look for strategic partner to build 1 GW of wind farms

Serbia intends to look for strategic partner to build 1 GW in wind farms

21 July 2023 - The decision is driven by the projection that the country will become a significant electricity importer as soon as 2026

necp serbia public consultation pks

Serbia presents draft National Energy, Climate Plan

11 July 2023 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy has invited all interested parties, not only from Serbia, but also from neighboring countries, to join the public consultation


Negative power prices reveal market is still unprepared to tap on full renewables potential

07 July 2023 - Electricity producers on power exchanges across Europe were offering to pay up to EUR 500 per MWh to whoever would take their electricity

bsog power corridor black sea offshore wind farm

Permitting starts for power link for planned offshore wind farms in Black Sea

07 July 2023 - The investment will deliver the first power corridor in the Romanian Black Sea, according to Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG)

China expects to meet wind and solar energy targets five years ahead of schedule

China set to meet wind, solar power targets five years ahead of schedule

01 July 2023 - China is on track to double its solar and wind power capacity and achieve its ambitious 2030 target five years ahead of schedule


Croatia adopts regulations to facilitate renewables growth

29 June 2023 - The Government of Croatia has adopted the long-awaited decree on incentives for electricity generation from renewable sources


EPBiH discussing its 90 MW Bitovnja wind farm project with local community

27 June 2023 - EPBiH has revamped the 90 MW Bitovnja wind farm project after several years, and is now in talks with the local population


Wpd plans hybrid power plant in Croatia – boosting output with no extra burden on grid

21 June 2023 - German renewable energy developer wpd plans to build a solar power plant at the site of its existing wind farm Katuni

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