cges nosbih memorandum transmission lines

BiH, Montenegro to boost electricity interconnection capacity

16 August 2023 - Two countries have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the reconstruction of the existing, and the construction of new power lines

bp totalenergies auctions germany offshore wind

BP, TotalEnergies win German auctions with EUR 12.6 billion in bids for offshore wind farms of 7 GW

13 July 2023 - The results confirm the attractiveness of investing in offshore wind energy in Germany, said Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur

ENTSO-E New Governance Team Appointed

ENTSO-E appoints new governance team

29 June 2023 - The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) elected the governance team, led by President Zbyněk Boldiš.

serbia law on energy changes

Serbia is changing energy law: state commission for energy networks to be established

02 June 2023 - The Government of Serbia approved a bill with changes to the Law on Energy, largely to transpose the European Union's acquis

Construction of largest solar project in Western Balkans starts in Kosovo

SEGE starts construction of largest solar project in Western Balkans in Kosovo*

22 May 2023 - According to SEGE's website, the electricity will be sold abroad via the transmission grid operated by TSO KOSTT

virtual power plants distributed production aggregators pandurevci nosbih

Virtual power plants emerge in BiH as seven aggregators pool 120 MW in total

24 March 2023 - The Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NOSBiH) foresees an increase to 250 MW by the end of the year

entso e dso entity digital twin power grid

ENTSO-E, DSO Entity are developing Digital Twin of European electricity grid

22 December 2022 - The two associations intend to use the Digital Twin of the EU grid to coordinate the investments for the digitalization of the energy system

Slovenia maps locations with grid capacity to install large solar power plants

Slovenia maps locations with grid capacity for utility-scale solar power plants

20 September 2022 - ELES and SODO have mapped the locations and determined the capacities in Slovenia for utility-scale solar power plants that can be connected to the grid

Bulgaria-Romania day-ahead market coupling completed

Bulgaria-Romania day-ahead market coupling completed

27 October 2021 - The Bulgaria-Romania electricity market project integrated their border into the European single day-ahead market coupling


Ivan Asanović takes helm of Montenegro’s transmission system operator

24 September 2021 - Ivan Asanović, an electrical engineer, has been appointed as acting executive director of Montenegro's transmission system operator.

continental europe breakdown resynchronization

How BiH, Croatia, Serbia TSOs reconnected two grid regions of Continental Europe synchronous area

02 March 2021 - The Continental Europe synchronous area broke down and split into two grid regions in January.

IPTO_interconnection_power transmission line

IPTO to invest EUR 4.1 billion in new interconnections, renewables integration, batteries

15 January 2021 - Greece’s independent transmission system operator, IPTO, plans to invest EUR 4.1 billion over the next...

albania power exchange

UPDATE: Albania suspends tendering for setting up power exchange

17 April 2020 - Albania’s Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy has decided to suspend tendering for companies and financial...

ipto manousakis interview

Regional Security Coordinator for SEE to step up European integration in synchronous zone

26 February 2020 - The establishment of the Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) for Southeast Europe (SEE) is an important...


KOSTT, OST sign deal to establish Kosovo*-Albania regulatory block

04 December 2019 - Kosovo’s* transmission system operator (TSO) KOSTT and Albania’s transmission system operator OST have signed an...

IPTO, ESO, Transelectrica agree on Thessaloniki as seat of new SEE Regional Security Coordinator

18 November 2019 - IPTO, ESO and Transelectrica have agreed on establishing a new Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) for...

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