27 October 2021 - The Bulgaria-Romania electricity market project integrated their border into the European single day-ahead market coupling
24 September 2021 - Ivan Asanović, an electrical engineer, has been appointed as acting executive director of Montenegro's transmission system operator.
02 March 2021 - The Continental Europe synchronous area broke down and split into two grid regions in January.
15 January 2021 - Greece’s independent transmission system operator, IPTO, plans to invest EUR 4.1 billion over the next...
17 April 2020 - Albania’s Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy has decided to suspend tendering for companies and financial...
26 February 2020 - The establishment of the Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) for Southeast Europe (SEE) is an important...
04 December 2019 - Kosovo’s* transmission system operator (TSO) KOSTT and Albania’s transmission system operator OST have signed an...
18 November 2019 - IPTO, ESO and Transelectrica have agreed on establishing a new Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) for...
30 August 2019 - Croatian transmission system operator (TSO) HOPS and technology company Siemens have signed a contract on...
23 August 2019 - Serbia and Hungary are hoping that the planned merger between their respective power exchanges, SEEPEX...
09 August 2019 - Slovenian transmission system operator (TSO) ELES has partnered with Renault for the first time as...
02 July 2019 - A newly elected team of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)...
24 April 2019 - On May 6, the Croatian Power Exchange (CROPEX) will organize auctions for the purchase of...
04 April 2019 - The Bulgarian Electricity System Operator (ESO) and the Innovations and Networks Executive Agency of the...
12 March 2019 - The transmission system operators (TSOs) of Bulgaria – ESO, North Macedonia – MEPSO, and Albania...
05 March 2019 - The kick-off meeting for the initiation of a trilateral power market coupling project between Croatia,...