transmission system operator

ems spain grant energy transition study

Spain to provide grant to Serbia’s TSO EMS for energy transition study

28 November 2023 - The study should help Serbia’s TSO prepare for connecting renewable electricity plants to the national grid


New rules for power grid connection in Serbia

22 November 2023 - Last week Serbia started applying new legislation regulating connection to the national electricity transmission system

New rules for grid connection for solar, wind projects in Serbia

New rules for grid connection for solar, wind projects in Serbia

03 October 2023 - The Government of Serbia has finally changed the procedure for connecting new power plants to the transmission and distribution grids

Roman Bernard NGEN batteries balancing electricity market

Bernard: NGEN batteries enable end consumers to enter electricity market

28 September 2023 - Slovenian company NGEN is currently installing a 70 MW / 140 MWh battery in Slovenia and a 50 MW / 100 MWh facility in Croatia

nebojsa petrovic ems analysis of adequacy serbia

Serbia’s electricity system can operate with up to 5,800 MW of solar, wind

18 September 2023 - The 5,800 MW estimate is from an adequacy analysis conducted by Serbia's transmission system operator Elektromreža Srbije

eu electricity market reform acer christophe gence creux interview

Gence-Creux, ACER: EU power market reform to minimize price volatility for consumers

25 August 2023 - Electricity market design reform is currently one of the hottest topics in the energy sector in Europe. We spoke with Christophe Gence-Creux, head of the Department for Electricity at the ACER

cges transmission system grid connection asanovic

Montenegrin grid prepared for 1.5 GW more from renewables

17 August 2023 - With the remaining 400 kV transmission line, the 400 kV grid ring in Montenegro will be completed, CEO of CGES Ivan Asanović said

beogrid 2025 grid transmission banat wind solar

BeoGrid 2025 project to upgrade transmission grid for more renewables in Serbia

10 August 2023 - The project envisages the construction of transmission infrastructure to facilitate the grid connection of new wind, and solar power plants

cms tamara zejak srbija oie regulativa

Renewable energy regulatory landscape in Serbia: A closer look at the latest developments

05 July 2023 - The spring of 2023 brought significant regulatory changes in the renewable energy sector in Serbia

serbia law on energy changes

Serbia is changing energy law: state commission for energy networks to be established

02 June 2023 - The Government of Serbia approved a bill with changes to the Law on Energy, largely to transpose the European Union's acquis

Serbia's TSO EMS to use Plexos to model grid investments, balancing renewables

Serbia’s TSO EMS to use Plexos to model grid investments

18 May 2023 - Simulating markets will help EMS to plan short-, medium- and long-term procurement decisions, forecasting losses and investment opportunities

virtual power plants distributed production aggregators pandurevci nosbih

Virtual power plants emerge in BiH as seven aggregators pool 120 MW in total

24 March 2023 - The Independent System Operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NOSBiH) foresees an increase to 250 MW by the end of the year

grid investments romania bulgaria transelectrica eso

Bulgaria, Romania to invest EUR 2.4 billion in total in power grids

09 November 2022 - Transmisison system operators Transelectrica and ESO have prepared ten-year development plans for the period through 2031

Slovenia maps locations with grid capacity to install large solar power plants

Slovenia maps locations with grid capacity for utility-scale solar power plants

20 September 2022 - ELES and SODO have mapped the locations and determined the capacities in Slovenia for utility-scale solar power plants that can be connected to the grid

HOPS invests EUR 213 million in transmission grids by 2026

HOPS to invest EUR 213 million in transmission grid by 2026

08 September 2022 - Croatian Transmission System Operator (HOPS) will invest EUR 213 million in power grid revitalization and...

BiH abolishes restriction on grid connection of wind farms solar

BiH abolishes grid connection limit for renewables

13 July 2022 - The decision makes BiH the country with the most advanced environment in the region for the development of variable renewables

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