solar power


Serbia adopts wind, solar power auction plan

06 June 2023 - Serbia's auction plan reveals that competitive procedures are envisaged for an overall 1.3 GW in wind and solar power through March 2025

Serbia quota solar power auction

Serbia issues quota for upcoming solar power auction, adopts rules on balancing, premiums, feed-in tariffs

02 June 2023 - The government determined the quota for the premiums it intends to award for solar, defined balancing responsibility, premiums, feed-in tariffs rules

Abazovic Montenegro achieve energy independence 2030

Abazović: Montenegro to achieve energy independence in 2030

02 June 2023 - Outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazović said his pre-election coalition is pledging to make Montenegro energy independent in 2030

Slovenia HSE 800 MW solar power 2030

Slovenia’s HSE targets 800 MW of solar power by 2030

31 May 2023 - HSE has small solar power plants with an overall capacity of under 10 MW, but it is aiming at 800 MW more by the end of the decade

Oil companies Southeastern Europe accelerate renewable energy investments

Oil companies in Southeastern Europe accelerate renewable energy investments

30 May 2023 - INA, OMV Petrom, Motor Oil and MOL revealed a series of investments that indicate a shift in the sector toward renewables in the region


Power prices on Serbia’s SEEPEX crash to zero amid European solar output surge

30 May 2023 - The reoccurring anomaly when power prices in Europe turn negative and even slump deeply below zero affected Serbia this time, too


Map of power plants under development in Serbia that await transmission grid connection

29 May 2023 - Energy expert Nenad Jovanović created a map with the sites for power plant projects in Serbia for which grid connection requests were filed

BEF-2023-Constantinescu Grid operators integrate hundreds gigawatts renewables Norela Constantinescu

Constantinescu: Grid operators working to integrate hundreds of gigawatts from renewables

25 May 2023 - The challenges in adding wind and solar farms to the electricity networks in Europe are being solved along the way as technology progresses

EBRD Bogdanović Renewable heating biggest contributor decarbonization urban areas

EBRD’s Bogdanović: Renewable heating is biggest contributor to decarbonization in urban areas

25 May 2023 - Renewable sources can contribute the most to the decarbonization of urban areas, Bojan Bogdanović from the EBRD said at BEF 2023


Greece announces timetable, prices for renewable energy auctions

22 May 2023 - The Greek Ministry of Energy and Environment released an updated version of the timetable for renewable electricity auctions

Solar power in sports Galatasaray Guiness World Records Enerjisa

Solar power in sports

18 May 2023 - Although rarely thought of as a sector deeply interested in renewable forms of power production, sport offers a great opportunity for applying solar technologies

BEF 2023 Flexibility services business opportunity renewables producers

BEF 2023: Flexibility services are business opportunity for renewables producers

17 May 2023 - The flexibility and digitalization panel at BEF 2023 acknowledged how difficult it is to integrate hundreds of gigawatts from new solar and wind power plants, but it also pointed to business opportunities in the emerging ancillary and system services

Masdar green energy developer Greece Egypt subsea power link

Masdar to invest in green energy with developer of Greece-Egypt power link

17 May 2023 - Copelouzos Group and Masdar's Infinity Power are mulling joint green electricity projects to feed the proposed Egypt-Greece interconnection

Obrovac Croatia HEP largest solar power plant

Croatia’s HEP commissions country’s largest solar power plant in Obrovac

16 May 2023 - HEP Group's Obrovac solar power plant is the largest in Croatia, but the utility is set to complete two slightly larger ones just this year

Kosovo solar power auction up to 105 MW

Kosovo* initiates solar power auction for up to 105 MW

15 May 2023 - Kosovo* issued a contract notice for investors interested in building and operating a solar power plant on public land

Main power producers Balkans can t afford fall behind energy transition

Main power producers in Balkans can’t afford to fall behind in energy transition

10 May 2023 - The biggest electricity producers in Southeastern Europe need to establish partnerships and move with the times in doing business, according to the participants in a discussion on power utilities in the energy transition, held at BEF 2023

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