01 June 2022 - It is forbidden to produce, import and sell disposable plastic bags in Albania including those that are defined as oxo-degradable or oxo-biodegradable
26 October 2021 - Packaging and non-packaging made of OXO-biodegradable plastic arriving after 3.7.2021. may no longer be placed or distributed on the Slovak market.
20 July 2021 - Croatia's parliament has adopted a new law on waste management which bans the sale of single-use plastic products.
14 July 2021 - While the US is the world’s biggest generator of plastic waste, India is responsible for dumping the largest amounts of plastics into the ocean.
06 July 2021 - The EU's deadline to ban single-use plastics has passed, but only a handful of member states have done enough to comply.
02 July 2021 - Danish plastic construction toy producer Lego Group has unveiled a prototype brick made from recycled plastic.
19 May 2021 - The Plastic Waste Makers Index identified ExxonMobil, Barclays, Vanguard and Saudi Arabia as the biggest producers and investors in single use plastics
14 December 2020 - Top polluters are Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Unilever, Mondelez International, Mars, Procter & Gamble, Philip Morris, Colgate-Palmolive, and Perfetti Van Melle.
31 July 2020 - The City of Dubrovnik has committed itself to reducing its environmental footprint by eliminating single-use...
31 July 2020 - As the global Plastic Free July campaign is drawing to a close, people are becoming...
02 July 2020 - The world is marking Plastic Bag Free Day on July 3 alongside Plastic Free July...
22 April 2020 - Are EU environmental laws and the European Green Deal really at stake because of the...