04 February 2023 - We spoke with Professor Nikola Rajaković about proposed changes to the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources
03 February 2023 - Dravske elektrarne Maribor (DEM) has high ambitions beyond hydropower. Solar, wind, battery and geothermal projects are underway.
23 January 2023 - New green energy production is the strategic commitment of the company, and it is confirmed by the Go Green Road plan
18 January 2023 - Greece presented the long-awaited revision of its National Energy and Climate Plan. The renewable energy target is set to grow by 9 GW.
28 December 2022 - There is enough technical flexibility in the Serbian power system to maintain load balance and provide balancing reserves for 1,865 MW from RES
02 December 2022 - Greek energy regulator RAE received 44 applications for energy storage projects in November
15 November 2022 - The largest electricity producer in Romania recommends to build the Islaz dam with a pumped storage hydroelectric facility
04 November 2022 - Dubravka Đedović has visited the Kolubara mining basin to get first-hand information on coal production
29 September 2022 - The first part of the 30 MW Zlatoličje-Formin solar power plant in Slovenia has entered regular operation
02 September 2022 - Đerdap 3, a hybrid pumped-storage power plant, should be built in phases, Minister Zorana Mihajlović said in a interview
01 August 2022 - Representatives of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia and the US-based company Bechtel have discussed the project in Belgrade
22 July 2022 - Iberdrola inaugurated its pumped storage plant Tâmega Gigabattery in Portugal and a similar facility was commissioned in Switzerland
10 May 2022 - A new energy policy is one of five key items on the country’s reform agenda, said President Aleksandar Vučić
28 April 2022 - Kosovo's regulator ERO received applications in 2021 for 298 MW in total, of which one is a 250 MW pumped storage hydropower plant
21 April 2022 - The local authorities in Kozani and Voio plan to build and operate matching small pumped storage hydropower plants
19 April 2022 - The EU is urged to back energy storage so as to ensure energy security and independence of Russian fossil fuels, and achieve a net-zero power system.