Serbia target emissions cut 40 3 by 2030 upcoming NECP

Serbia to target emissions cut of 40.3% by 2030 in upcoming NECP

27 July 2022 - Serbia presented the preliminary goals for its integrated national energy and climate plan as it is about to start a public debate

Serbia ready first renewable energy auction early next year

Serbia to be ready for first renewable energy auction by early next year

17 November 2021 - Serbia plans to hold a roundtable and workshops for investors before its first renewable energy auction, State Secretary Atanacković said

Kopac Serbia energy power prices raised

Kopač: Serbia taking big steps in energy; power prices must be raised

10 March 2021 - Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač praised the reforms in Serbia but also stressed the prices of power for households must be increased

Slovenia's national plan affirms goal to become carbon neutral by 2050

Slovenia’s national plan affirms goal to become carbon neutral by 2050

02 March 2020 - The former Yugoslav republic stays committed to slashing its dependence on fossil fuels and wants...


Top 3 in September: New fossil fuel subsidies planned in EU, Tesla, decarbonization

01 October 2019 - The world is taking strides to a point of no return on climate breakdown, yet...

EU NECPs: Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Cyprus, others need to step up renewables ambition

21 June 2019 - The European Commission has released an assessment of the EU member states’ first-ever draft integrated...

Workshop “Towards the development of Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan in Montenegro” held in Podgorica

29 May 2019 - The workshop “Towards the development of Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) in Montenegro”...

ORF-EE signs MoU with Energy Community and GIZ CDCP III project on support to EnC Contracting Parties for development of National Energy and Climate Plans

26 March 2019 - The Energy Community (EnC) held its third Technical Working Group Meeting on Energy and Climate...

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