27 July 2022 - Serbia presented the preliminary goals for its integrated national energy and climate plan as it is about to start a public debate
17 November 2021 - Serbia plans to hold a roundtable and workshops for investors before its first renewable energy auction, State Secretary Atanacković said
10 March 2021 - Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač praised the reforms in Serbia but also stressed the prices of power for households must be increased
02 March 2020 - The former Yugoslav republic stays committed to slashing its dependence on fossil fuels and wants...
01 October 2019 - The world is taking strides to a point of no return on climate breakdown, yet...
21 June 2019 - The European Commission has released an assessment of the EU member states’ first-ever draft integrated...
29 May 2019 - The workshop “Towards the development of Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) in Montenegro”...
26 March 2019 - The Energy Community (EnC) held its third Technical Working Group Meeting on Energy and Climate...