clima@-2020-finalists and environmental challenges they try to solve

Three major environmental challenges clim@ 2020 finalists address

19 May 2020 - We are only two weeks away from the clim@ 2020 pitching event to select the...

clim@ 2020 finalists selected

Clima@ competition 2020 selects 15 finalists

08 April 2020 - Clima@ competition 2020 has selected 15 finalists with innovative ideas to protect the climate from...

clim@ green competition 60 countries

Candidates in clim@ green competition come from 60 countries

27 February 2020 - Grand finalists will present their entries at the GGF Sustainable Future Forum in Frankfurt on...

GGF EUR 10 million BKT Kosovo's green lending

GGF approves EUR 10 million for BKT Kosovo’s* green lending portfolio

14 February 2020 - Clients are getting access to home renovation loans and firms will be able to upgrade...

GGF turns ten

GGF celebrates ten-year anniversary, EUR 1 billion in climate finance

06 January 2020 - The Green for Growth Fund said it has marked ten years since establishment. The ceremony...

SFF GGF clim@ Frankfurt event 2018

GGF opens clim@ competition for innovations in climate change mitigation

17 December 2019 - Businesses or projects that can make a positive difference to the future of environment have...

Čibuk 1 Serbia's largest wind farm

158 MW Čibuk 1, Serbia’s largest wind farm, officially starts operations

11 October 2019 - Serbia’s largest wind farm, the 57-turbine Čibuk 1, has officially started operations today following a...


GGF secures EUR 25 million from OeEB to continue green finance

04 October 2019 - The Development Bank of Austria (Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG – OeEB) has increased its investment with...

Alter Modus energy efficiency GGF

Green for Growth Fund backs microfinance institution Alter Modus’ energy efficiency lending

02 August 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has provided a senior loan of EUR 1.5 million...

Green for Growth Fund

Green for Growth Fund helps kids from Serbia compete in Canada

31 July 2019 - After Balkan Green Energy News appealed in early April for financial assistance to help kids...

GGF Impact Report: 2.75 TWh of energy saved annually, CO2 emissions cut by 692,183 metric tons

01 July 2019 - By the end of 2018, the Green for Growth Fund (GGF) had financed nearly EUR...

GGF Partners with Mikrofin to boost energy efficiency in households, small enterprises

15 March 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has partnered with Mikrofin to encourage energy efficiency measures...

GGF Impact Stories: Helping Serbia increase energy savings

11 March 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) supports sustainable energy finance and green energy projects through...

GGF extends EUR 1 million to LIDER to on-lend for energy efficiency, small renewable energy equipment

27 February 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF), an impact investment fund advised by Finance in Motion,...

GGF extends EUR 10 million to Ohridska to on-lend for renewable energy, energy efficiency projects

21 February 2019 - The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has announced its second senior facility of EUR 10...

Dutch development bank FMO invests EUR 20 million more in Green for Growth Fund

20 November 2018 - Dutch development bank FMO has invested a further EUR 20 million into the Green for...

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