INA hydrogen bimethane ivicom biogest

INA contracts installation of hydrogen, biomethane facilities

17 April 2024 - The Croatian firm will install a green hydrogen plant at its Rijeka Refinery and a biomethane production facility in Sisak


Vienna, Budapest inaugurate green hydrogen plants

12 April 2024 - Within just a few days, two green hydrogen plants were inaugurated in Central and Eastern Europe - in Austria and Hungary

Germany nationwide hydrogen pipeline network plan

Germany unveils nationwide hydrogen pipeline network plan

15 November 2023 - Germany is preparing an incentives scheme for a proposed 9,700-kilometer hydrogen transmission network, and working on interconnection plans

EU Clean Transition Dialogue on hydrogen

EU’s Clean Transition Dialogue on hydrogen: 67 GW of electrolyzers in pipeline

11 October 2023 - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Executive Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič have kicked off the first of a series of Clean Transition Dialogues

hep plomin hydrogen solar

HEP eyes hydrogen production at site of its lone coal power plant Plomin

06 September 2023 - The plan is for TPP Plomin to cease operation in 2035, so HEP is considering the options to use its location


Greece plans 1.7 GW of electrolyzers, string of new projects to become green hydrogen leader

24 August 2023 - Green hydrogen and renewable gasses are considered a must for the decarbonization of hard-to-abate sectors, such as transportation and shipping

turkey energy hydrogen strategy fatih donmez

Turkey presents energy, hydrogen strategies to meet 2053 net zero target

25 January 2023 - Minister Fatih Dönmez said the share of renewables in primary energy consumption would reach 23.7% in 2035

INA intends to produce green hydrogen at Rijeka oil refinery

INA intends to produce green hydrogen at Rijeka oil refinery

30 November 2022 - The green hydrogen will be used to supply the transport sector in Croatia and for the refinery’s own consumption

Lhyfe green hydrogen offshore wind sea production

French company launched first offshore hydrogen facility

26 September 2022 - After the end of the trial, Lhyfe will have a substantial volume of data, which should allow it to design mature offshore production systems
