
Romania EUR 6.7 billion EU green energy

Romania counts on EUR 6.7 billion from EU for green energy projects

06 October 2020 - Developers of renewable energy, grid and just transition projects can file proposals in Romania by...

Leyen 55% greenhouse gas emissions cut 2030

Von der Leyen targets 55% greenhouse gas emissions cut in EU by 2030

16 September 2020 - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen officially lifted the European Union’s 2030 emissions reduction...

Energy transition BiH chance development

Energy transition in BiH: burden or chance for development

11 September 2020 - Experts Damir Miljević, Nikola Rajaković and Igor Kalaba called for reform and the beginning of...

Eight municipalities of Kosovo* to introduce district heating

EBRD set to lend up to EUR 5 million for energy efficiency in Niš residential buildings

25 August 2020 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is considering a loan of up to EUR...

Hitachi ABB Power Grids to operate in six Balkan countries

Hitachi ABB Power Grids to operate in seven Balkan countries

11 August 2020 - The newly-formed joint venture Hitachi ABB Power Grids has said it will operate in the...


Strong political will and access to European electricity market – key enablers of RES integration challenges in Western Balkans

08 August 2020 - Authors: REPCONS project team of key experts Experts from the Western Balkans see energy transition...

Turkey blend green hydrogen natural gas heating

Turkey to blend green hydrogen into natural gas supply network for heating

27 July 2020 - GAZBİR tested a 20% share of hydrogen in natural gas and measured an increase in...

energy transition tracker energy community

Energy Community Secretariat launches Energy Transition Tracker for Western Balkans

16 July 2020 - The Energy Community Secretariat has launched today the Energy Transition Tracker in a move which...


EPBiH has opted for decarbonization, but progress on building renewable energy capacities is slow

07 July 2020 - State power utility Elektropriveda Bosne i Hercegovine (EPBiH) has opted for decarbonization, company officials say,...

feature nikola rajakovic energy transition 3d

ENERGY TRANSITION – 3D array is key for tracking trends (part two)

27 April 2020 - Author: Prof. Nikola Rajaković, School of Electrical Engineering (ETF), University of Belgrade The central trends...

Siemens Uniper exploring green hydrogen use in gas infrastructure

Siemens, Uniper exploring green hydrogen use in gas infrastructure

10 April 2020 - Siemens and Uniper broadened cooperation with so-called brownfield transformation, aimed at decarbonizing energy facilities with...

Nikola Rajakovic feature article on energy transition

ENERGY TRANSITION – Changes go into high gear

06 April 2020 - Author: Nikola Rajaković, a professor at the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering (ETF)...

green agenda

EU to focus on Green Deal diplomacy; preparing Green Agenda for Western Balkans

26 March 2020 - Participants at the 5th Energy and Climate Committee meeting, organized by the Energy Community Secretariat,...

EU opens EUR 980 million call for proposals for green energy infrastructure

EU opens EUR 980 million call for proposals for green energy infrastructure

17 March 2020 - Third countries can marginally participate in the scheme for smart grids, gas and cross-border carbon...

clean hydrogen

European Commission unveils Clean Hydrogen Alliance initiative

12 March 2020 - The European Commission has announced plans to set up an EU-wide “alliance” to promote the...

UPDATE: Romania’s CE Oltenia to close four units in coal power plants by 2025 

29 January 2020 - In order to compensate for the capacities, the company plans to construct gas-fired and renewable energy units.

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