03 February 2022 - The Municipality of Novaci in North Macedonia is assisting DTPU Mej grup in its 50 MW solar power project next to REK Bitola
02 February 2022 - Eti Alüminyum is expanding its solar park with the aim to produce clean and green aluminum, using renewable energy
01 February 2022 - The EU's energy taxation and carbon pricing policies don't square with its climate goals, the European Court of Auditors said in a review
28 January 2022 - Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Naser Nuredini said North Macedonia would close its two coal plants by 2030
28 January 2022 - Restructuring aid has been approved for CE Oltenia, Romania's third-largest producer of electricity, to replace coal with gas and renewables
27 January 2022 - Achieving the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 implies global investments of USD 9.2 trillion a year, 3.5 trillion more than today
26 January 2022 - The Energy Community Secretariat is creating an electronic system for guarantees of origin to enable consumers to choose green electricity
21 January 2022 - The Western Balkans need to step up the integration of their power markets and roll out carbon pricing to avoid the CO2 border tax, Agora said
20 January 2022 - Larry Fink said in his annual letter that BlackRock would continue to encourage companies to react to climate change because it has financial significance
14 January 2022 - Coal phase-out by 2033 announced Slovenian government, and the new Czech government announced a coal exit for the same year
14 January 2022 - Average wholesale electricity prices in Europe in the fourth quarter of 2021 were more than four times as high as their 2015-2020 average
14 January 2022 - A joint approach makes funding green energy and the coal phaseout easier for the Western Balkans, but funding sources are still insufficient
14 January 2022 - The carbon capture technology is still experimental, but it may have a shot with a proper funding scheme and a functional market
13 January 2022 - Germany published a climate plan for the 2030 emissions target, decarbonization of industry, electrification of transport, and heating
12 January 2022 - The draft report is part of the legislative procedure for the adoption of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM)
05 January 2022 - State-owned energy utility EPBiH plans to install a photovoltaic plant of 56 MW at the site of an ash and slag dump at the Tuzla coal plant