
Photovoltaic 50 MW coal complex North Macedonia

Photovoltaic project of 50 MW underway next to coal complex in North Macedonia

03 February 2022 - The Municipality of Novaci in North Macedonia is assisting DTPU Mej grup in its 50 MW solar power project next to REK Bitola

Turkish aluminum producer solar power plants net zero emissions

Turkish aluminum producer building solar power plants to reach net zero emissions

02 February 2022 - Eti Alüminyum is expanding its solar park with the aim to produce clean and green aluminum, using renewable energy

Fossil fuels still subsidized more than renewables in EU, European Court of Auditors find

Fossil fuels still subsidized more than renewables in EU, auditors find

01 February 2022 - The EU's energy taxation and carbon pricing policies don't square with its climate goals, the European Court of Auditors said in a review

North Macedonia delays coal exit deadline to 2030

North Macedonia delays coal exit deadline to 2030

28 January 2022 - Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Naser Nuredini said North Macedonia would close its two coal plants by 2030

EC approves restructuring aid for CE Oltenia

European Commission approves restructuring aid for CE Oltenia up to EUR 2.66 billion

28 January 2022 - Restructuring aid has been approved for CE Oltenia, Romania's third-largest producer of electricity, to replace coal with gas and renewables

McKinsey - Decarbonizing economy requires more than USD 9 trillion

McKinsey – Decarbonizing economy requires over USD 9 trillion per year

27 January 2022 - Achieving the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 implies global investments of USD 9.2 trillion a year, 3.5 trillion more than today

Energy Community renewables certificates project accelerate energy transition

Energy Community starts renewables certificates project to help accelerate energy transition

26 January 2022 - The Energy Community Secretariat is creating an electronic system for guarantees of origin to enable consumers to choose green electricity

Agora Faster decarbonization Western Balkans EU CO2 border tax

Agora: Faster decarbonization in Western Balkans would ease impact of EU’s CO2 border tax

21 January 2022 - The Western Balkans need to step up the integration of their power markets and roll out carbon pricing to avoid the CO2 border tax, Agora said

BlackRock CEO`s message for 2022: We focus on sustainability not because we are environmentalists, but because we are capitalists

BlackRock CEO`s message for 2022: We focus on sustainability not because we are environmentalists, but because we are capitalists

20 January 2022 - Larry Fink said in his annual letter that BlackRock would continue to encourage companies to react to climate change because it has financial significance

Slovenia and Czech Republic to exit coal by 2033

Slovenia, Czech Republic to exit coal by 2033

14 January 2022 - Coal phase-out by 2033 announced Slovenian government, and the new Czech government announced a coal exit for the same year

iea electricity report 2022 prices

IEA: Rising demand for electricity could result in high prices over next three years

14 January 2022 - Average wholesale electricity prices in Europe in the fourth quarter of 2021 were more than four times as high as their 2015-2020 average

Western Balkans integrate markets easier energy transition funding

Western Balkans need to integrate markets for easier energy transition, funding

14 January 2022 - A joint approach makes funding green energy and the coal phaseout easier for the Western Balkans, but funding sources are still insufficient

Carbon capture projects failing still to play role energy transition

Carbon capture projects failing but still to play role in energy transition

14 January 2022 - The carbon capture technology is still experimental, but it may have a shot with a proper funding scheme and a functional market

New German government announced ambitious decarbonization plan

Germany’s new government announces ambitious decarbonization plan

13 January 2022 - Germany published a climate plan for the 2030 emissions target, decarbonization of industry, electrification of transport, and heating

Carbon border tax indirect emissions from electricity european parliament report

EU should roll out CO2 border tax earlier, apply it to indirect emissions from electricity

12 January 2022 - The draft report is part of the legislative procedure for the adoption of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM)

EPBiH 56 MW solar park coal plant ash slag dump Tuzla

EPBiH to build 56 MW solar park on coal plant’s ash, slag dump in Tuzla

05 January 2022 - State-owned energy utility EPBiH plans to install a photovoltaic plant of 56 MW at the site of an ash and slag dump at the Tuzla coal plant

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