
EPBiH renewable energy projects operational plants buy

EPBiH seeks renewable energy projects, operational plants to buy

08 March 2022 - Persons and firms have the opportunity to sell their renewable energy projects or power plants to Bosnia and Herzegovina's EPBiH

Timmermans EU countries delay coal phaseout avoid Russian gas

Timmermans: EU countries can delay coal phaseout to avoid Russian gas

07 March 2022 - A delayed coal phaseout in some countries is possible, but green energy deployment must be accelerated, The European Commission's Frans Timmermans says

EU accelerating push to reduce dependence on Russian gas

EU accelerating push to reduce dependence on Russian gas

04 March 2022 - Experts say urgent measures can slash the need for gas in the EU as the European Commission is pushing for a reduction in reliance on Russian gas


Commercial prosumers – solution for companies to decarbonize, secure stable power supply

28 February 2022 - Panelists talked about options available for businesses to become commercial prosumers and produce their own electricity, models for investing in renewable energy, as well as billing schemes and grid connection procedures.


Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market: carbon taxation is inevitable and must be discussed publicly

23 February 2022 - The EU's carbon border tax or national CO2 pricing systems will affect both businesses and citizens in the region, businesspeople and experts warned at the conference Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market.

Energy firms sue four EU countries disrupting fossil fuel

Energy firms sue four EU countries for disrupting their fossil fuel projects

23 February 2022 - Five energy companies including RWE seek almost EUR 3.7 billion in damages from the Netherlands, Italy, Poland and Slovenia


Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market: no time to delay energy transition

22 February 2022 - Achieving climate neutrality calls for changes across society, and changing people’s mindset will pose the greatest challenge, according to the conference Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market.

Mihajlovic Serbia energy transition train as fast as possible

Mihajlović: Serbia must catch energy transition train as fast as possible

22 February 2022 - Serbia can and must accelerate its energy transition and attract much more private investment in green energy, keynote speakers said at the Serbian Companies on the Changing Power Market conference

REPCONS 2 0 BiH Serbia Montenegro not ready successful energy transition

REPCONS 2.0: BiH, Serbia, Montenegro not ready for successful energy transition

16 February 2022 - Experts from the region have complied the Barometer of Sustainable Energy Transition report titled Perfect Storm – an uncontrolled decarbonization of the Western Balkans’ power sector.

Bulgaria abandon Belene, and announces new reactors at Kozloduy

Bulgaria abandons Belene, announces new reactors at Kozloduy

16 February 2022 - The Bulgarian prime minister said that instead of Belene, the authorities will consider the possibility of building new reactors at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant

Slovenian steelmaker SIJ invest decarbonization bank loan

Slovenian steelmaker SIJ to invest in decarbonization with bank loan

15 February 2022 - Steelmaker SIJ Group will use a part of a EUR 230 million loan to invest in energy efficiency as part of its decarbonization efforts

Energy Community obligated follow EU CEEAG state aid guidelines

Energy Community is obligated to follow EU’s CEEAG state aid guidelines

14 February 2022 - The EU's Guidelines on State Aid for Climate, Environmental Protection and Energy (CEEAG) are obligatory, the Energy Community Secretariat said

The climate goals of the world's largest companies much more promise than give the concrete results

World’s largest companies promise much more climate action than they deliver

10 February 2022 - Large global companies emphasize intentions to reduce carbon emissions to net zero, but according to the results of the latest analysis, they are going to reduce them by only 40% on average, against their pledges for 100%

EU carbon border tax must become mainstream topic in Western Balkans

EU’s carbon border tax must become mainstream topic in Western Balkans

09 February 2022 - Measures accompanying the CBAM must be directed to helping the Western Balkans adjust to the CO2 pricing system, experts say


Serbia’s ambitious energy security plan targets 50% renewables share by 2040

08 February 2022 - Ministry of Mining and Energy has prepared the document Energy Security of Serbia, with solutions for entire energy sector

Restrukturiranje Oltenie, preko 1GW iz obnovljivih

Romania’s Oltenia picks partners to switch from coal to solar, gas

07 February 2022 - Romania's CE Oltenia has selected OMV Petrom and Tinmar Energy to jointly replace its coal-fired power plants with solar panels and a gas-fired power plant

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