IPTO ENCS cybersecurity grid

Greece’s IPTO joins European Network for Cyber Security

21 November 2024 - The European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) has announced that IPTO has officially joined the network as a full member

romania cyber security audit solar power

Romania to introduce mandatory cyber audit for solar power plants

31 October 2024 - The executive order, drafted by Romania’s Ministry of Energy, includes provisions for a mandatory cyber audit of solar power plants

EU adopts first-ever EU network code on cybersecurity for the electricity sector

EU adopts first-ever EU network code on cybersecurity for the electricity sector

13 March 2024 - The grid code will support a high, common level of cybersecurity for cross-border electricity flows in Europe

Serbia EPS under hacker cyber attack hpp djerdap 1

Serbia’s power utility EPS under unprecedented hacker attack

19 December 2023 - Elektroprivreda Srbije is the third energy company in the region of SEE to be faced with a cyber attack or threat of a cyber attack

transelectrica repower eu nrrp plan funds solar cyber security

Transelectrica secures EUR 56.2 million for solar, battery installations, cyber security upgrade

12 December 2023 - Transelectrica received the funds from the REPowerEU component of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Kosovo delegation visits US cybersecurity cooperation

Kosovo* delegation visits US within cybersecurity program

29 April 2023 - The US is providing technical assistance and its technology to the Western Balkans for cybersecurity, including for critical infrastructure
