03 December 2020 - Prime Minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapić said the government would ban the construction of small hydropower plants and review all concessions
30 November 2020 - The European Climate Initiative – EUKI launched a call for the civil society, authorities and educational entities to outline cross-border climate projects.
30 November 2020 - Based on the EU’s Clean Energy for all Europeans package, Austria is one of the first countries in Europe, which has presented draft legislation on energy communities.
25 November 2020 - The coronavirus impact may only slightly slow growth in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere as more drastic climate action is necessary
24 November 2020 - The G20 vowed to mitigate climate change but its members aren't in compliance with the goal to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees
13 November 2020 - By signing the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, the region have committed to a number of specific actions.
10 November 2020 - European Union hopefuls from the continent's southeast agreed at a summit in Sofia with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans
09 November 2020 - The EU is drafting an obligation on financial institutions to disclose which investments meet climate criteria.
06 November 2020 - Wastepaper industry emissions can be almost wiped out with renewables while current practices actually make matters worse
30 October 2020 - Up to USD 130 trillion in new investments is necessary to avert the current global warming scenario.
29 October 2020 - FAO has launched а forestry programme to strengthen sustainable and multipurpose forest management in Kosovo*.
05 October 2020 - Municipalities in Greece will need to adopt sustainable urban mobility plans, according to a draft...
22 September 2020 - Within its measures to mitigate the climate change impact, the Austrian capital made sure more...
10 September 2020 - Author: Danko Kalkan, Green Finance and Environmental Management Expert at ProCredit bank What are the...
24 August 2020 - Five cities in five different South East European countries are part of a project that...
19 August 2020 - FAO started a green development project in Albania to support farmers and authorities in sustainable...