climate change

Agora Faster decarbonization Western Balkans EU CO2 border tax

Agora: Faster decarbonization in Western Balkans would ease impact of EU’s CO2 border tax

21 January 2022 - The Western Balkans need to step up the integration of their power markets and roll out carbon pricing to avoid the CO2 border tax, Agora said

Carbon capture projects failing still to play role energy transition

Carbon capture projects failing but still to play role in energy transition

14 January 2022 - The carbon capture technology is still experimental, but it may have a shot with a proper funding scheme and a functional market

New German government announced ambitious decarbonization plan

Germany’s new government announces ambitious decarbonization plan

13 January 2022 - Germany published a climate plan for the 2030 emissions target, decarbonization of industry, electrification of transport, and heating

The summer of 2021 in Europe was warmest ever

Summer of 2021 in Europe was warmest ever

12 January 2022 - The last seven years were the warmest on record globally by a clear margin, and 2021 was the fifth-hottest year ever recorded


EU greenlights state aid regulations including CfDs, partly allows gas projects

22 December 2021 - Projects with government support need to be aligned with the EU's decarbonization goals, with some exceptions for gas

Elon Musk SpaceX rocket fuel atmospheric CO2

Elon Musk’s SpaceX seeks rocket fuel made from atmospheric CO2

14 December 2021 - Elon Musk revealed SpaceX would launch a program for capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for the production of rocket fuel

IMF Metals short supply prices rallying energy transition

IMF: Soaring metal prices may delay world’s energy transition

09 December 2021 - The switch from fossil fuels to low-carbon sources implies a massive leap in demand for metals and other commodities, IMF said

GGF UniCredit Bank Serbia first local currency transaction

GGF, UniCredit Bank Serbia conduct first local currency transaction in Serbia for green recovery

06 December 2021 - The Green for Growth Fund conducted the first local currency transaction in Serbia by providing a loan to UniCredit Bank Serbia

GEK Terna raise EUR 300 million via green bonds obligation cut emissions

GEK Terna to raise EUR 300 million via green bonds with obligation to cut emissions

06 December 2021 - Greek construction and energy giant GEK Terna is preparing to sell common sustainability-linked bonds with a target of EUR 300 million

EBRD, EU, Austria donate 360 trees for greener Belgrade

EBRD, EU, Austria donate 360 trees for greener Belgrade

03 December 2021 - The EBRD, EU and Austria supported the planting of 360 trees in Belgrade out of 1,000 in total across the Western Balkans

Resalta accredited for carbon emission reduction services

Resalta accredited for carbon emission reduction services

03 December 2021 - Resalta joined the network of CDP's partners that provide carbon emission reduction services. It received accreditation for eight countries.

Coal phaseout unavoidable transition net zero emissions clean air

RES Foundation conference: Coal phaseout unavoidable in transition to net zero emissions, clean air

01 December 2021 - The RES Foundation is holding its second second annual conference in Serbia on how to win the Balkan air pollution dodgeball

Germany new ruling coalition aims phase out coal nine years

Germany’s new ruling coalition aims to phase out coal in nine years

25 November 2021 - The cabinet led by Olaf Scholz will phase out coal "ideally" by 2030, compared to the current 2038 deadline, the coalition deal reveals

EUKI funding climate action projects conditions

EUKI offers funding for climate action projects – here are the conditions

25 November 2021 - Nonprofits can apply for up to EUR 1 million from the European Climate Initative (EUKI) with transformative cross-border projects

Amazon deforestation rate in Brazil highest since 2006

Amazon deforestation rate in Brazil highest since 2006

21 November 2021 - A new government report shows a 22% increase in the deforestation of Brazil’s Amazon

Serbia ready first renewable energy auction early next year

Serbia to be ready for first renewable energy auction by early next year

17 November 2021 - Serbia plans to hold a roundtable and workshops for investors before its first renewable energy auction, State Secretary Atanacković said

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