08 September 2021 - Nearly 40,000 species out of almost 140,000 on the updated IUCN Red List are threatened with extinction. The Komodo dragon's position has worsened.
08 June 2021 - Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said most concession contracts for small hydropower plants in North Macedonia would be annulled regardless of possible litigation
18 May 2021 - You can opt for simple solutions for your balcony or around the house that will contribute to the hard work of bees and bumblebees
10 May 2021 - North Macedonia made Lake Ohrid and the Studenchishte marsh its third and largest area on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance
26 April 2021 - Save the Blue Heart of Europe is promoting a legal toolkit to help activists and civil society organizations protect rivers from hydropower development.
25 February 2021 - Burying power lines and temporarily shutting down wind turbines are among measures that can reduce the danger for birds and bats, IUCN says
15 February 2021 - Over 500 scientists have warned world leaders against treating biomass as carbon neutral and supporting tree cutting for energy production.
02 February 2021 - Local authorities in Greece's Western Macedonia say the proposed 500 MW floating photovoltaic project would devastate lake Polyfytos
15 January 2021 - The contest organized by SharaWatch and the Union of Cartoonist of Serbia has attracted some 350 works from 40 countries.
21 December 2020 - A German court has ordered electric car maker Tesla to stop cutting trees on peripheral...
08 December 2020 - The EU is taking Greece and Bulgaria to the Court of Justice for failing to tackle PM10 air pollution and reprimanding them for environmental breaches
10 November 2020 - European Union hopefuls from the continent's southeast agreed at a summit in Sofia with the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans
10 November 2020 - Due to the low water levels the country has decided to terminate the production in all hydropower plants, and to import electricity.
23 September 2020 - Conservationist groups from the region and the world urged the Federation of BiH to pass...
21 September 2020 - Author: Sara Pavkov, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province ESAV Guidelines have been just...
03 September 2020 - Fashion company Timberland plans its products to have a net positive impact on nature by...