01 October 2018 - Hundreds of visitors, including entire families with children, turned out at the Climate Village on...
17 August 2018 - The extended deadline to provide comments on the draft Principles for Sustainable Hydropower in the Western...
27 July 2018 - The Aarhus Resource Centre Sarajevo has submitted two complaints to the District Court in Banja...
27 July 2018 - Author: Tim Hirsch, Deputy Director, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) In September 2017, a chance...
11 July 2018 - On the sidelines of the Green for Growth Fund’s (GGF) recently held Sustainable Future Forum...
26 June 2018 - Conservation of biological diversity is a specific, yet crucial, part of the wider all-encompassing umbrella...
25 June 2018 - If environmental flooding of the forest complex of the Bosut Forests and an increase of...
01 June 2018 - European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided EUR 15 million to Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and...
25 May 2018 - Despite biodiversity’s essential value for economic sectors such as forestry, agriculture, tourism, and fisheries, and...
14 May 2018 - The working paper “Valuing biodiversity assets through ecotourism in South-East Europe – A review of...
08 May 2018 - The School of Democratic Leadership in cooperation with the members of the Montenegrin Parliament established...
20 March 2018 - Out of the 2,112 planned or operational hydropower projects across southeast Europe (SEE) since 2005,...
19 March 2018 - The Open Regional Funds for South-East Europe – Biodiversity project (ORF-BD), funded by the German...
12 March 2018 - The EUROPARC Federation, with support from the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., has issued an open...
02 October 2017 - Prepared by Azra Velagić-Hajrudinović and Jelena Peruničić, GIZ ORF-BD Biodiversity Information Management and Reporting (BIMR)...
19 September 2017 - The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Adria), an important regional partner of the GIZ...