
Serbia’s NIS, China’s Sinopec to develop green energy, carbon capture projects

Photo: NIS


September 13, 2024



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September 13, 2024



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Serbia’s oil and gas company Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS), subsidiary of Gazprom, and its Science and Technology Centre (NTC) signed a memorandum on scientific and technological cooperation with China’s Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Corporation, part of Sinopec Group, one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world.

The two oil and gas companies agreed to cooperate in the field of green energy and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects, NIS said.

The memorandum was signed during the visit of the Chinese delegation to NIS.

The two companies intend to establish scientific and technological cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

The priority are renewable energy sources, CCUS and the production of low-carbon hydrogen and geothermal and solar energy.

The two companies are interested in cooperating in the areas of hydrogen and geothermal and solar energy

Having in mind that both companies intend to contribute to a more sustainable future in the energy sector, with the use of state-of-the-art technologies, the cooperation opens new paths towards the energy transition, decarbonization and improvement of environmental protection, according to NIS.

During the visit, their representatives discussed the modalities for cooperation. The focus would be on a potential carbon capture project and the production of blue hydrogen in the Pančevo Oil Refinery.

The memorandum was signed in Belgrade by Andrei Shoshin, NIS’s Deputy CEO and the Director of its Exploration and Production department, Leonid Stulov, NTC’s CEO, and Zhang Jien, chief energy saving and environmental protection expert at Sinopec Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation, for Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Corporation.

The event was attended by Kirill Tyurdenev, NIS CEO, Xi Zhiguo, President of Sinopec Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation, Sun Yenan, representative of the Sinopec Group, Vladimir Gagić, Director of NIS’s processing department, and representatives of other Sinopec subsidiaries that could participate in the joint activities.

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