Photo: Wikimedia
The Regional conference “Energy efficiency – data management” will be held on July 6 in Skopje where the results of the EU-funded Facilitating multi-level governance for Energy Efficiency (multEE) project will be presented.
The main objective of the conference is to present the results and expectations of the multEE, a Horizon 2020 project that aims to improve the consistency and quality of energy efficiency policy planning, implementation and monitoring between different administrative levels. The project coordinator is the German development organization Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit through its Open Regional Fund for SEE – Energy Efficiency project.
The conference will gather representatives of Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the host country Macedonia, which is directly taking part in the multEE project. The gathering is considered an incentive for preparation of a new application for Horizon 2020, the EU program for research and innovation.
This will also be an opportunity for the presentation and promotion of the Monitoring and Verification Platform (MVP). MVP was developed and introduced in South-East Europe as part of the GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Energy Efficiency (ORF-EE) project.
Experts from the EU, Energy Community and GIZ, as well Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece will present their experience in the field of energy efficiency at the conference.
The conference is organized and/or supported by the EU Delegation in Macedonia, GIZ, Center for energy efficiency in Macedonia (MACEF), the Energy Agency of Republic of Macedonia and multEE project.
No entry fee is required and all interested parties are asked to register in advance, which they can do via email or website. The conference will be held in Hotel Alexander Palace, in Skopje.
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